871 articles on "rate"

The Truth About Low Carb Dieting

The Truth About Low Carb Dieting  by: Gary Matthews Every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why are they getting fatter? ...

Health  health weight diet carbohydrate foods food energy body
No One Ever Got Fat Eating Broccoli!

No One Ever Got Fat Eating Broccoli! by: Andrew Cavanagh (AMWA) Diet tips for losing weight abound. Some are good, some questionable and some are just plain crazy. At the risk of joining the ever growing list of diet tips here is probably the mo...

Health  health insulin carbohydrates stimulates fruit vegetables glycemic
6 Ways Small Businesses Can Survive In A Crazy Economy

Running a small business has never been an easy task, but the current economic climate has made it even more challenging to navigate. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to shut down, lay off employees, and change their entire bu...

Business And Finance  business finance customers communicate provide strategic often
Strategic Knowledge Management - The Key to Sustainable Performancel

Leading organizations in the global economy understand that inorder for them to stay competitive, they must efficiently andeffectively create, capture, and share their organization'sknowledge and expertise within their organization. The practice...

Business And Finance  business finance knowledge strategic performance management innovative organizations professionals
Choosing a Tape Drive

Tape drives remain the leading technology used by organizations for backup and archiving. However, the plethora of tape drives on the market can make choosing the appropriate tape drive a confusing task. How do you select a tape drive that satisfies ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet tape drive data rate network compressed backup
When It Pays To Pause

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to feel like we are constantly on the go. From work to social engagements to family obligations, we often find ourselves rushing from one task to the next without taking a moment to pause and reflect. How...

Business And Finance  business finance growth organization fine management competency rate
Art of Concentration

The art of concentration is a crucial skill that can enhance productivity, creativity, and overall wellbeing. However, in today's world of constant distractions, it can be challenging to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. The good news is tha...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation concentrate concentration exercise when
Developing a Brand Strategy with Your Blog

Blogging is an excellent platform for businesses to showcase their brand and engage with potential customers. While possessing a talent for writing and producing quality content is essential for running a successful blog, an equally important aspect ...

Marketing  marketing brand blogging strategies building branding
Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed

Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Some of the things you think you know that just ain't so (these myths are not true): Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure...

Health  health cholesterol blood refined carbohydrates levels body
The Truth About Low Carb Dieting

Low carb diets have been all the rage over the past few years and are being touted as a miracle solution for weight loss. But is it really as good as people claim it to be, or is there more to it than meets the eye? In this article, we will explore t...

Health  health weight diet carbohydrate foods food energy body