63 articles on "retirement"

Ten Financial Tips for Women

Ten Financial Tips for Women by: Sandra N. Salter On average, women earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn in the workplace. Because women typically spend approximately seven years out of the work force to have and raise children, their earning...

Women  women years lower retirement benefits
Solving Social Security: Fire the Politicians!

As an investor, I've always wondered why Social Security is such a problem. What's so difficult about managing this particular Trust Fund, and why is it so different from other investment accounts that pay out a constant stream of income? T...

Government  government retirement security social income providers
Buy Now, Retire Later-An Investment In Your Dreams

Buy Now, Retire Later-An Investment In Your Dreams by: Elaine VonCannon Owning A Second Home Is Easier Than You Think Buying a second home is a serious financial commitment, but it is can also lead to a feeling of complete freedom. It can provid...

Business And Finance  business finance second retirement property purchase
Retirement – Its Sooner Than You Think!! honestly

Many people hear "retirement" and think— what? 401K? Roth vs. Traditional IRA? Stocks, bonds, mutual funds? Do they? Or do many people put money away according to the suggested amount and then simply hope that when retirement comes all will work ou...

Family  family retirement living cost live yearly
Adult Education Courses for Retirees

Traditionally, we think of retirement as a well-deserved exit from the workforce to spend time traveling, reading and relaxing. However, many people today look for additional employment opportunities after retiring from work. In fact, AARP Internatio...

Education  education work retirement people healthcare world training enable
Justify Social Security ... Don't Save for Retirement

Justify Social Security... Don't Save for Retirement by: Kemberly Wardlaw It is a common question when investors review their retirement plan—should we include social security benefits into our retirement income projections? It seems the...

Business And Finance  business finance social security retirement benefits full
Stock Market Retirement Investment Plan

Stock Market Retirement Investment Plan by: Charles M O'Melia For a successful retirement investment plan to work in the stock market, some ‘reasonably sure’ assumptions would have to be made: The retirement investment plan must take i...

Business And Finance  business finance plan retirement investment market
Common Mistakes in Planning Your Retirement

Decades of leading a fast paced life, chasing ambitions, goals and careers, can be really draining and retirement is one of those phases in your life where you can have the opportunity to slow down, start over and enjoy life to the full. It is a lif...

Business And Finance  business finance life retirement community comfort experience
Social Security: Which Is Much Better Early Or Late Retirement?

Social Security: Which Is Much Better Early Or Late Retirement? by: Jinky C. Mesias The social security retirement benefit is given during the normal retirement age of a qualified member. The normal retirement age is the age at which the retirem...

Legal  legal retirement normal members benefits months benefit retire
Justify Social Security ... Don't Save for Retirement

It is a common question when investors review their retirement plan—should we include social security benefits into our retirement income projections?It seems the closer an investor is to retirement, the more likely he/she will include social secur...

Business And Finance  business finance social security retirement benefits full