107 articles on "rights"

Maintaining Your Assertiveness Rights

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation right rights time others
Resale Rights Marketing for Money Making Success

Reprint/Resale rights give you the opportunity to sell someone elses product & you keep 100% of the profits. This of course is done for a once off fee. This is a great way to get started when building a web site or starting a mail order business from...

Marketing  marketing rights product reprint
Learn how to make money with reprint rights marketing

Reprint/Resale rights give you the opportunity to sell someone elses product & you keep 100% of the profits. This of course is done for a once off fee. This is a great way to get started when building a web site or starting a mail order business from...

Marketing  marketing rights product reprint make
Family Law Attorneys Uphold The Rights Of Children

The Convention on the Rights of a Child is an edict from the United Nations that legally binds member nations to honor the rights of children. In most nations, a child is a person under the age of eighteen, but in some nations, the legal age for adul...

Legal  legal children convention child nations rights also
Children Can Make A Difference For Human Rights!

Children Can Make A Difference For Human Rights! by: News Canada (NC)—Why not celebrate Universal Children's Day on November 20th by doing an activity with your children? Here are a few ideas for how your family can promote and protect th...

Kids And Teens  kids teens rights human childrenaposs children family together
Can You Really Make A Fortune Off Of Reprint Rights?

Can You Really Make A Fortune Off Of Reprint Rights? by: Willie Crawford Visit Ebay or any of ten thousand other websites and you'll see people offering reprint rights everywhere. They all tell you that with their great reprint rights you&a...

Online Business  online business rights reprint product month know
The Self-Appointed Altruists - Part II

NGO's in places like Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Albania, and Zimbabwe have become the preferred venue for Western aid - both humanitarian and financial - development financing, and emergency relief. According to the Red Cross...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation ngoaposs rights human
Unexplored Profits Of 'Now' Junky Reseller Rights Products

Why do I call junky reseller rights? If you are marketing online for sometime, you know that reseller rights products are available everywhere on the net now, much like online junk, if you call it. While there are many good products that can fulfil a...

Marketing  marketing product reseller rights customer
How To Make Money on the Internet Without Creating Your Own Product

Writing a book is an effort that not everyone takes pleasurein. Creating software takes special skills and patience. If you can't write and can't program, does it mean you can't start an online business? Absolutely not.Luckily, there i...

Business And Finance  business finance rights product products reprint
The Self-Appointed Altruists

The Self-Appointed Altruists by: Sam Vaknin Their arrival portends rising local prices and a culture shock. Many of them live in plush apartments, or five star hotels, drive SUV's, sport $3000 laptops and PDA's. They earn a two figure ...

Business And Finance  business finance ngoaposs rights from