73 articles on "ruth"

Reflecting on the History of Women

I’ve made a conscience effort to truly contemplate and study the story of women this month since it is nationally recognized as Women’s History Month. I expanded my studies beyond just the recent feminist history, which in my opinion is a definit...

Women  women history truth blue
A Brief History Of Baseball

A Brief History Of Baseball by: Regan Shaors A Short Baseball History The game of baseball is said to have begun in the early 19th century, but that's just half the truth. The game was played much before but the first baseball clubs were f...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports baseball game hitting babe century ruth
The Better Product Fallacy

The Better Product Fallacy by: Arvind Kumar Another fallacy ingrained in the minds of most marketing managers is the belief that the better product will win the marketing battle. Behind the thinking of many marketing managers is the thought that...

Business And Finance  business finance truth inside sales mind advertising marketings
The Truth on the Payday Loan

The Truth on the Payday Loan  by: Jay Moncliff For a while many Americans were relying on a payday loan to help them pay the bills and get through until payday. However, many of these services have become illegal because of the high interest rat...

Business And Finance  business finance loan payday money fees truth might
Is it Offensive to Request a Father DNA Test?

"...That everyday people, they lie to God too. So what makes you think, that they won't lie to you." These powerful lyrics are from Lauryn Hill's song, "Forgive Them Father". This applies so often to issues of paternity. Paternity can have...

Family  family truth paternity time
7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale "Disappears"

7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale "Disappears" by: Ari Galper You're close, really close, to making a sale. Your potential client is in the market for your product or service and you've had a couple of good meetings. Based on h...

Business And Finance  business finance sale clients truth potential
Don't Accept Things the Way They Are- Instead Take Action

Joan Didion, an American writer, novelist said The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.Often we accept the consensus opinion of the majority as truth. We accept what others say or do...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation false action accept truths
America's Search for Truth

The existence or non-existence of absolute truth is a controversial topic in today's society. Numerous factors, such as increasing multi-culturalism, disillusionment with the church, immigration, globalization, and pluralism have all contributed...

Government  government society principles laws truth them
If Your Wife Is Cheating On You? How to Get to the Truth? How to Know for Certain Your Wife is Cheating

When you spend time wondering whether your wife is cheating, it will be very straining on your nerves. Although finding out that she is certainly cheating will be painful, it will be better than worrying and thinking about the most terrible things. ...

Relationships  relationships wife cheating truth
Discovering Your Truth

You've heard it said that we create our own realities. Whatever your inner state-of-mind or emotional condition, you will see it reflected in the situations and people surrounding you. If this is so, then how do you determine what the truth is v...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation truth drops oils