54 articles on "scholarship"

Nursing Scholarships, Grants, and Awards

Nursing Scholarships Nursing is a career that is currently in demand and appears to be on the rise for the next few years. Any time a career field is in demand, there are an abundance of scholarships that help to meet this demand. Right now there ar...

Education  education scholarships nursing criteria scholarship demand
The Secret to Finding Scholarships for Single Mothers

While most women dream of having a happy, stable and fulfilling family life, reality sometimes doesn't cooperate. Whether through divorce or the death of a spouse, you can find yourself raising your kids alone without the help of a husband. Supp...

Education  education college single scholarship schools
Scholarships For Single Mothers

Scholarships For Single Mothers by: Kelly Kennedy Are you a single mother in debt trying to make your way through school hoping to attain a better education so you can support your family? If so you should consider applying for a scholarship. Wh...

Education  education scholarship scholarships single mother student
Playing and Winning the Scholarship Game

OK, you don't have a 4.0 GPA, you're not the senior class president, you can't throw a football fifty yards, and your SAT scores aren't generating letters or phone calls from Harvard, Yale or Princeton. So, you'll never quali...

College Articles  college articles scholarships colleges financial students scholarship there
Scholarships And Grants For Nursing Education

For those who are interested in making their career in the nursing field have many scholarships and grants opportunities which encourage them to enter the nursing field and help alleviate the increasing nursing shortages. By doing a little research a...

Education  education nursing application scholarship essay scholarships
Steps To Get Financial Aid For Academic Year 2011-12

Although every college student wants a scholarship to pay for tuition fee, only about 50 percent of college students are expected to receive free money in 2011 and 2012. And the shortage of scholarships is expected to be especially severe in 2011 and...

Education  education scholarship students scholarships college
College Scholarships Application

If you have decided that you would like to apply for a scholarship then you will need to start by finding one. You will also need to apply early because you do not want to be rushed and pressured to get your application in on time. If you have really...

Education  education apply scholarships about
Scholarship Search – How to find free money for college

College students receive billions of dollars in scholarship money every year. How can you get some of this money to fund your college education? Start looking early Start looking for scholarships at least by your sophomore or junior year in high scho...

Kids And Teens  kids teens scholarships college scholarship education look
Wish You Could Finance Your Studies?

Wish You Could Finance Your Studies? by: Gerald Hochschule Financing College Many people have avoided college because they though they couldn't afford tuition. While college is expensive there is no reason a student should let money put a ...

Education  education college financial scholarships student
A College Scholarship Search In Your Local Area Could Change Your Life Forever - Read My Story

It is not a coincidence that when I look back at my school days and I think about who did what with their life. I quickly realize that those who had few false starts with their education had a member in their family go to college before them.Some peo...

College Articles  college articles scholarship were