236 articles on "skills"

Play Is Serious Business For Childrens' Intelligence

Too many parents consider play as simply a means of diverting and distracting their children. Playthings are often seen as a means of keeping children happy, rewarding them, keeping them out of mischief, and giving parents free time. Not often enou...

Kids And Teens  kids teens play children parents skills crafts
Communications Skills Add Value

Communications Skills Add Value...Want to uncover a success secret that can lead to more happiness, help you to be more effective in your work, enable you to make more money and to be more fulfilled? Sound too good to be true? The secret.... polishin...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivationself communication skills
Can You Survive In An Online World

Do you have the skills to make it in a computer driven,increasingly online world? Your immediate, knee-jerk reaction may be "Yes! Of course Ihave the skills.""I know how to send and receive email and surf the web." "I can even download and install fi...

Business And Finance  business finance skills computer online email literacy
Effective Communication Skills For The Job Interview

Effective Communication Skills For The Job Interview by: Michelle Roebuck One of the areas that an employer is looking at on the job interview are your communication skills. Many people will go into a job interview and say to the employer, “I ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation interview communication interviewer people skills
Credibility + Exposure = Adult Ed Teaching

How can you gain credibility and exposure for you and your business, reach a motivated audience, develop a far-flung network, hone your presentation skills and get paid to do it? Many executives and entrepreneurs have found an answer: they teach cla...

Business And Finance  business finance teaching people education adult students skills
5 Promotion Secrets to Get the Job You Want

5 Promotion Secrets to Get the Job You Want by: Ed Sykes You Mean I Need to Promote Myself to Get a Promotion? Time and time again I hear the following from students in my career advancement workshops: “My work speaks for itself…I shouldnâ...

Business And Finance  business finance skills organization level
Targeted Resumes Equals Job Search Success

Over the course of my career as a Career Coach and Resume Writing Strategist, I have written in excess of 10,000 resumes for job seekers at all levels from entry level, management, and technical to senior level executives from fortune 100 companies. ...

Writing  writing resume management skills level effective
Resume writing for the stay at home parent

Maybe your children are now in school and you’d like to go back to work. Or maybe finances are tight and you want to contribute. Or maybe you just really need adult interaction.Whatever the reason, many stay at home parents do eventually decide to...

Business And Finance  business finance skills resume they
Good Communication is Easy. Isn’t It

One of the basic skills to great success is great communication. Learn some of the easy secrets to understanding the people around you.My name is Steve Brummet My business is to speak to businesses, teams, schools, churches, non profit organizations ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation communication people skills hair
Soft E-mail selling skills coaching

I have been operating on the web for quite a while and i have seen spam time and time again,, but recently i have been learning Soft E mail selling skills from a guy i met in an internet cafe.I have been trading my seo skills on one of his sites for...

Business And Finance  business finance skills time selling teching sites