76 articles on "smoking"

All About Stimulants - Why Teenagers Use it Abusively

Stimulants are drugs that are known to increase an individual's alertness and awareness temporarily. It affect the body by increasing the activity of the central nervous system, sympathetic nervous system or both. More popularly known as "uppers...

Family  family stimulants teenagers caffeine blood smoking
Conception Tips - The Must Know Important Things

You are trying to conceive, aren't you? And the results are not what you expect, are they? If the answer is "YES", you may need the below advices. Do not drink coffee: Coffee adversely affects fertility. It is showed that the effects of coffee ...

Parenting  parenting fertility smoking women coffee
Say No To Smoking

Say No To Smoking by: Hifzur RehmanIs there any adventure or fun in smoking? Absolutely not! Don’t be fooled by the fun packed advertisements of the cigarette making companies. There is no “taste”, no “fun” and no “adventure” in sm...

Health  health smoking life diseases tobacco people cigarette
Smoking - What is it

Smoking tobacco has been something that people do for numerous reasons for centuries. It is the inhalation of smoke from the burning of tobacco. Orinigally at least that is what it was. The tobacco leaf was shredded and rolled up or stuffed in a pip...

Health  health smoking chemicals tobacco smoke people many
Are Worries Of Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking Holding You Back?

The side effects of quitting smoking, also called withdrawal symptoms, are commonly both emotional and physical. Physical side effects may consist of coughing, sore throat and headaches. It takes about three days for the nicotine to be washed away fr...

Health  health hypnosis effects smoking feeling these

QUESTION:I'm subletting an apartment. My landlord wants to evict me for smoking and for allowing my guests to smoke, too. The tenant whom I rent from didn't mention any rules about smoking, nor were there any in the tenant's lease nor...

Family  family lease tenant smoking landlord month smoke tenantaposs
Quit Smoking Today

Decide Right Now to Believe that You CAN Quit SmokingStudies of smokers who successfully quit smoking show that one of the most important traits of a successful quitter is their belief that they have the ability to quit smoking.Good Reasons for Quit...

Health  health smoking quit quitting nicozan
Weird Smoking Laws

As more and more states adopt laws that prohibit smoking in public, crushing the hopes of cigar smokers with the ease of crushing a used cigarette, people everywhere are calling "foul," restraining themselves from telling lawmakers to kiss their ash....

Government  government smoking people cigar allowed
How to Remove the Psychological Addiction to Smoking - and Start To ENJOY Giving Up Smoking!

How to Remove the Psychological Addiction to Smoking - and Start To ENJOY Giving Up Smoking!  by: Sean O Riain Consider this: Already since 1972, over 60million people in the USA alone have successfully quit smoking! At one stage over 60% of th...

Health  health smoking feeling smoke
Herbal Vaporizers

Ever struggled with your decision to quit smoking? Now, you don't have to. There is one easy but effective way to quit your smoking and that is switching to herbal vaporizer, an innovative way to inhale herbs' without smokes and thereby lim...

Health  health herb smoking smoke inhaling using