116 articles on "soil"

4 Tips For Help In Growing Better Carrots

So, you've decided to plant a vegetable garden and carrots are going to take pride of place. Here are four tips to ensure that your carrots grow to be big and strong and make you the envy of all your neighbors. 1. Don't plant your carrots...

Food And Drink  food drink carrots soil seeds start grow
Grow Your Own SIMPLE Tea Garden

Materials Needed1 decorative clay or metal planter1 package of clay pellets (approx. 30 pellets)3 packets of organic tea leaves seeds (YOUR CHOICE)Grow-rich or nutrient-rich potting soil (ASK YOUR NURSERY FOR THE BEST RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR AREA)Dir...

Home Improvement  home improvement planter soil pellets clay water leaves seeds
Tips on Growing Lettuce

Tips on Growing Lettuce by: Marilyn Pokorney Lettuce is an easy to grow spring and autumn vegetable. It's two worst enemies are hot temperatures and slugs. Here are some tips to grow lettuce all summer long, even when temperatures soar. ...

Food And Drink  food drink lettuce article leaves avoid slugs plant soil
Landscape Techniques - Lawn Aeration

Landscape Techniques - Lawn AerationArticle by Henry ThompsonCopyright © 2003 by ProGardenBizProGardenBiz, an online magazinehttp://www.progardenbiz.comAerate, in the context of landscape and grounds maintenance, means "to supply the soil with a...

Business And Finance  business finance aeration lawn grass soil maintenance lawns landscape
What is Compost Tea?

What is Compost Tea? by: James Ellison Organic gardeners all know compost is fantastic stuff. But now, there's something even better and that's compost tea. If you start with a good compost you'll have a versatile elixir for all y...

Home Improvement  home improvement compost organic soil plant force
How to Grow Japanese Red Maple Trees from Seed

The seeds are attached to a wing, it’s best to break the wing off before storing or planting the seeds. Japanese Maple seeds have a very hard outer coating as do many ornamental plants. Under natural conditions the seeds would have to be on the gro...

Gardening  gardening seeds water soil
Acquiring & Caring For Bonsai

Acquiring & Caring For BonsaiMost bonsai trees sold at garden centers and nurseries are of excellent quality, but there are a few points to bear in mind when buying a new plant. » Age and shape of the tree » General health » Soil sh...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports tree bonsai trees raquo soil water
Who Else Wants Vigorously Growing Carnivorous Plants

Many people who have seen our carnivorous plants at the Farmer’s Market often ask us, “How do you get our plants looking so good every summer?” Our secret? Yearly repotting. Repotting is very important to encourage new growth. It freshens the ...

Home Improvement  home improvement plants soil carnivorous plant repotting sarracenia
Winning the Battle of the Weeds

Keeping your landscape plantings, flower beds, and nursery crops free of weeds is a battle, but if you approach it with a strategic plan, you will prevail. In order to develop a plan, you first must understand how weeds work, and what kind of weeds y...

Gardening  gardening weed weeds soil plant garden from
How to Water Your Houseplants Wisely

How to Water Your Houseplants Wisely by: Kori Puckett Over watering ranks first in causes of houseplant demise because it causes roots to rot. Most plants are tough so they can recover from under watering with only the loss of a few leaves unle...

Home Improvement  home improvement water plants watering soil plant needs from