813 articles on "some"

Menopause and Incontinence

Menopause and Incontinence by: Cathy Taylor Menopause can bring uncomfortable symptoms such as incontinence in several different forms. Even younger women experience occasional bouts of urinary leakage during pregnancy, after childbirth, and som...

Health  health bladder incontinence urine leakage sometimes
CGI What the Heck Is That

Let's unlock a little bit of the mystery about something called CGI. If ithelps any, CGI means Common Gateway Interface. This is a method which isused to exchange data between the server (the hardware and software thatactually allows you to get ...

Web Development  development routine data routines some
Telephone Courtesy Goes a Long Way

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publi...

Business And Finance  business finance telephone calls courtesy whenself some
What You Should Know About Scholarships

What You Should Know About Scholarships  by: Maria Estarellas When it's time to go to college, the word "scholarship" is confusing for both students and parents. We automatically think about student loans, FAFSA, tuition and fees, EFC, gran...

Parenting  parenting scholarships scholarship financial college grants some
Menopause and Incontinence

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and is characterized by a decrease in estrogen production. This drop in estrogen levels can lead to a myriad...

Health  health bladder incontinence urine leakage sometimes
CGI What the Heck Is That

CGI stands for Computer Generated Imagery. It is a term that refers to the process of creating digital visuals using computer software. CGI is used in many different industries, including film, television, video games, advertising, architecture, and ...

Web Development  development routine data routines some
Quick Tips to Surprise Mom this Mother’s Day

Quick Tips to Surprise Mom this Mother’s Day by: Melanie Breeze Do you know a Mom who needs to be thanked for the tireless effort she makes every day to her family? Does your Mom get the appreciation she deserves? While we all know we should t...

Family  family online gift offers sometimes
Understanding Editorial Guidelines

Understanding Editorial Guidelines by: Bonnie Jo Davis Editorial guidelines, also known as writer's guidelines, are the rules set forth by publishers for contributing authors. In order to have your article taken seriously you must review th...

Writing  writing article publications publication articles guidelines some
What You Should Know About Scholarships

Scholarships are financial aids that are offered to students to help them pay for their education. They can range from small amounts to cover the cost of textbooks to full-tuition scholarships that cover the entire cost of college. Scholarships can c...

Parenting  parenting scholarships scholarship financial college grants some
Telephone Courtesy Goes a Long Way

In today's world where communication happens in the blink of an eye, courtesy seems to have taken a backseat. We have become so busy in our lives that we forget the basic manners and etiquettes that help us communicate in an effective and polite way....

Business And Finance  business finance telephone calls courtesy whenself some