813 articles on "some"

What is a normal pulse rate?

The question always comes up as to what is a normal pulse rate. Well there really is no specific answer to this question because the notion of a normal pulse rate really depends on so many factors. Some of the most important factors that play a part ...

Health  health pulse rate question children example different some
Hate That Chore Change Your Mind

March (and April) bring income tax season. For most people, the entire process is a nasty chore, from gathering the information to filling out the forms, to paying the taxes. And while chocolate helps, it’s not enough. Which brings me to the topic ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation carrots something
The Active Role of Silence

It’s kind of Zen-like to say this, but one of the most important parts of any conversation is the silence. Silence can serve many functions in a conversation and how you manage it determines your level of sophistication in communication. Here are s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation silence person conversation some
Are You Suited For Self-Employment?

Are You Suited For Self-Employment? by: Barnaby Kalan A recent poll conducted by Yahoo! Small Business showed that nearly 3 out of 4 Americans have considered starting their own business. In fact, of more than 2,200 adults surveyed, over half (5...

Business And Finance  business finance somewhat would
3 Steps To Effectively Increase Your Marketing Response

3 Steps To Effectively Increase Your Marketing Response by: Frank Bauer It's well known that internet marketers are in the business of marketing. To become successful in business, it's crucial to actively promote your business to gain ...

Online Business  online business advertising results some
Three Ways to Transition to a New Career

Three Ways to Transition to a New Career by: Steve Hall As a Certified Personnel Consultant working for Find Great People International in Greenville, South Carolina, I receive telephone calls from people who are considering a career change. For...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation field skills career people training some
Cold Cathode Light - The Bright Light for Your Computer

Cold Cathode Light - The Bright Light for Your Computer by: Greg Wirth Cold Cathode Lights are vacuum tubes or gas filled tubes. Unlike other heater operated cathode tubes, there is no cathode heater in cold cathode tubes. There are many types o...

Computers And Internet  computers internet tubes cathode light cold computer some
Speed Dating Can Work for You

We all need advice at some time or another in regards to our love life, and whether you are completely new to dating or have a lifetime of experience, getting tips and being able to talk to friends about your experiences can only help. If you want to...

Relationships  relationships people someself meet
Who Else Wants to Get Screwed When Signing a Recording or Songwriting Deal?!?!

Who Else Wants to Get Screwed When Signing a Recording or Songwriting Deal?!?! by: Ty Cohen You’ve got your recording (or songwriting) contract in hand and everything’s coming up roses, right? You get your check, finally, but it’s not quit...

Writing  writing rights music contracts contract some
Could We Function on Three Hours Sleep

Polyphasic Sleep - Can We Sleep Less and Still Function Normally?Polyphasic sleep - also known as Uberman's sleep Schedule, consists of six daily naps taken every four hours instead of one long sleep every night (monophasic sleep)The naps can la...

Health  health sleep polyphasic hours minutes schedule some