125 articles on "spirit"

An Iranian Experiment

Most White early Baby Boomers in the United States, heard very little of the Blues on their radios before the Rock and Roll step child took hold. White authority, especially parents, saw the music as corrupting. They were correct. Cold war tensions ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation music rock youth years spirit
About Happiness and Fulfillment

About Happiness and Fulfillment by: Jard DeVille You want to be happy, but do you know how. Read further to understand why for social, spiritual creatures such as ourselves aquiring power, prestige and material possessions is never enough. Our e...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life spiritual persons
The God Ego

Why are governments so intent on controlling every aspect of its citizens’ lives?" Because it makes them feel like God. Or in other words, more secure with their delusional views of human destiny and fate.The Elite that has always controlled inform...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation power control human spirit
Renewing the Heart

Before we begin to think about spiritual formation, we must all realize that each of us have a spirit within us. God made us in His image and in doing so provided us with a spirit. That spirit within each of us has been formed and possesses a specifi...

Religion  religion spiritin formed each
The Top 10 Design Tools for Enhancing Your Spiritual Connectedness

Looking for tools to design your day in a more spiritual way? This top ten, taken from CoachVille's Personal Environments Community at http://cid384.cvcommunity.com/?tabInxwebpage , describes design tools you can tap into in order to "be source"...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spiritual meditation from
Bring Spirit Into Your Online Business

Copyright 2005 Mal KeenanFor people who have decided to strike out on their own entrepreneurial careers, the currency of choice for lasting and meaningful compensation…and the primary reason they left the "rat race" is…spiritual fulfillment.Like ...

Online Business  online business spiritual spirituality itaposs
3 Little Words Equal More Power To You!

3 Little Words Equal More Power To You! by: Richard Vegas Life shouldn't be so complicated. Have you ever wondered why it is? Have you ever thought; "why can't I figure this out?" Have you ever said; "I don't have an attitude prob...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation listening spirit some

Dr. Wayne Dyer - CONSULTING YOUR SOUL Recently I approached a traffic light where a man stood in shabby clothes with a three-legged dog by his side. As I waited for the light to change I looked at this scene with compassion and felt an urge to contr...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spiritual solutions from

Unless you have a strong aversion to news reports,this thought must have crossed your mind recently:OH NO! THESE MUST BE THE BIBLE PREDICTED "LAST DAYS"!! Hey you sure are perceptive !!! With the firm belief that we now entering into the Tribulation ...

Religion  religion john spirit
World Change - Is There Hope for Humanity's Future?

Have you noticed a lot of changes happening around you, some of them which seem to be not very good ones? With the major changes in weather patterns and the accelerated pace of world events, most people nowadays are aware that something is going on! ...

Religion  religion world change people spiritual will