70 articles on "spiritual"

Stress Strategy: Flex Your Spiritual Muscles

Stress Strategy: Flex Your Spiritual Muscles by: Michelle Casto In his book, Stress Without Distress, Dr. Selye suggests that a person’s interpretation of stress is not dependent solely on an external event, but also depends upon the perceptio...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life stress spiritual
Acquiring Spiritual Wealth Will Greatly Enrich Your Life

Spiritual wealth is wealth that derives from knowledge. To gain spiritual wealth entails acquiring spiritual knowledge. Facts and information about the spiritual aspect of life are what constitute spiritual knowledge. Such facts and information inclu...

Religion  religion spiritual facts life human knowledge wealth
Glimpses of Esoteric Christianity Part 5

The comprehension of Karma as revealed to the masses by Jesus is an improvement of the old interpretation and understanding of the principle of a previous dispensation of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," as given to the Israelites by Moses. ...

Religion  religion light karma spiritual divine
Protecting Our Spiritual Sapling

Protecting Our Spiritual SaplingRobert Elias NajemyWhen we plant a young tree sapling, we need to protect it from the various dangers to its safe survival. One danger is the lack of water. We need to see that it is watered frequently, until it is abl...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spiritual goats tree those
Conscience Vs Mind - A Strategy For You to Understand Consciousness

Many academics, scientists and philosophers do not accept consciousness as there is nothing organic to conclude. They consider that the functions of the mind are all at the center of the physical body. Many other people perceive and accept as by fait...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation mind state consciousness spiritual physical thought
Getting Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Getting Comfortable in Your Own Skin by: Leila Johnson What does it mean to be comfortable in your own skin? It’s about expressing yourself in a way they feels the most appropriate. When we think about expressing ourselves, we automatically t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spiritual gifts will
Love vs. Fear - Volume 18

Love vs. Fear - Volume 18 by: John Ford Breaking with tradition, today's article comes from the 9-23-04 edition of Sojomail. Sojomail is produced by Sojourners; an evangelical journal, and calls itself a 'weekly email-zine of spiritual...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spirituality says
Glimpses of Esoteric Christianity Part 4

Reincarnation Everything in this universe is in motion. Movement produces change, or transformation. This is an eternal constant, a Law of the Cosmos, and it is immutable. The process of transformation occurs in stages, phases, and cycles. Every uni...

Religion  religion reincarnation karma spiritual will
Connecting With Your Spiritual Source

In the Western world we have moved further and further away from the examination of mental processes and how they impact upon the way in which our lives unfold. This can be seen in many areas of our lives; we abrogate responsibility for how we feel t...

Religion  religion spiritual higher universe
The Challenge of Manifesting at this Time

At this very special and momentous time in the Earth's history, many people are awakening spiritually and coming to realize the vast potentials and gifts of living a life in harmony with spirit. An evolutionary shift is happening, and as more pe...

Religion  religion light spiritual happening earth life energies