83 articles on "standard"

To be, or Not to be (Average)?

To be, or Not to be (Average)? by: Clyde Dennis When is hate OK? When it's the feeling you have toward average. Let me make this point clearly and without reservation. I hate average! What is average? My dictionary describes it as being abo...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation average needs donapost standard
The Industry Standard Is Gone

Amid the flood of information on how Internet companies performed and contributed in the aftermath of the attack on September 11, was a small item about Standard Media closing the Industry Standard Website, once the epicenter of the Internet economy....

Computers And Internet  computers internet business standard economy world ecommerce
Choosing a Golf Club

Choosing a Golf Club  by: Jay Moncliff Choosing a golf club can be very difficult if you are an experienced, much less a beginner. The reason finding the right golf club is so hard is because there are so many types, designs, and features you ha...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports golf club sweet standard spot

When a person seeks employment with your company, he or she is basically saying, “I want to work for your company.” What this really means is “I will give up doing whatever I please, show up for work and behave the way you want me to behave, so...

Business And Finance  business finance negotiable staff members standards
5 Steps for Creating a Successful Banner Design

Banners are supposed to be one of the most effective ways of marketing your products and services. They account for a better visibility and scope for placing your products in the eyes of your customers. For this very reason it becomes highly importan...

Web Development  development banners banner ounces heavyweight standard
What Should You Know About Search Engines and Pay-Per-Click

Here’s a fact for you, 85 to 95% of Websites are found through a search engine.  You may have the most incredible Website on the Internet, but it will receive little or no traffic without search engine visibility and ranking.  Can you imagine a b...

Web Development  development search engine standard keyword rankings

“If they can fog a mirror we’ll hire them.”“If their crimes weren’t too bad, we’ll give them a job.”“We’ll hire whatever applicants we can get.”Sound familiar? When I hear statements like that from people who call themselves profe...

Business And Finance  business finance hiring standards costs companies
VoIP Computer Phone Warning

Never before in the history of telecommunications has a more important warning been needed for current and potential VoIP (computer phone) users who have joined, or will be joining, in the inevitable paradigm shift from telephone to VoIP.Warning! War...

Business And Finance  business finance internet voip industry criminal standard
Leadership For Deep Results Without Them Are You Wasting Your Leadership And Your Life Part One

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publis...

Business And Finance  business finance results standard leaders being
Restaurant Service Software System

If you are in to the catering business, you would be experiencing a change in consumer behavior. Clients' preferences have changed much after the recession. Parameters to like or dislike a restaurant have changed much during last few years. As a...

Computers And Internet  computers internet restaurants restaurant service business standards good