627 articles on "state"

5 Things to Look for in a Property Appraiser

5 Things to Look for in a Property Appraiser by: Mary Collins Homeowners who are seeking a property appraiser often ask “How should I choose which real estate appraiser to use?” When selecting a property appraiser, keep the following in mind...

Business And Finance  business finance appraiser property real estate designations appraisals these
Export of Inuit Sculpture Containing Whalebone or Ivory

Export of Inuit Sculpture Containing Whalebone or Ivory by: Clint Leung The export of certain Inuit sculpture from Canada to other parts of the world including the United States does have some restrictions. In order to reduce harvesting of marin...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure states united marine inuit artwork whalebone ivory
Is the U.S. dollar about to reverse course

For the first time in several years the U.S. dollar has managed to gain value against the world’s other major currencies. During the first three months of 2005, the U.S. dollar is up approximately five percent against both the yen and the euro. The...

Business And Finance  business finance dollar currency trade states united major months traders
New Prostate Treatment Can Help Retain Sexual Function

Cancer is the largest reason for death around the world and prostate cancer is the second leading killer of men in the United States. It is a serious illness experienced usually when men are of a mature age, however men of any age can be diagnosed wi...

Men  cancer prostate treatment screening pinpoint tissue
How Would You React In The Event Your Doctor Held Up Detection Of Your Prostate Cancer?

How would you react if you discovered you had cancer of the prostate? How would you react if you then also found out that the cancer was advanced rendering it, at the current time, not curable? And how would you react if you then came to understand t...

Health  health cancer patient prostate results abnormal tests would
Don't Let an Illness or Unemployment Cost You Your Home

As a nation of homeowners, we are particularly vulnerable to the effects that accident, sickness, or unemployment could have on our ability to meet our monthly mortgage repayments. In view of this, it is quite alarming to note that of the 11 million...

Business And Finance  business finance mortgage repayments benefit state sickness unemployment

TAKING THE FEAR OUT OF THE HYPNOTIC TRANCE by: Christine Hunter Mention the word “Hypnosis” to someone and the chances are you will get one of three very different reactions: intense curiosity, nervousness, or disdainful skepticism. But the ...

Health  health trance hypnotist hypnosis hypnotic mind state
Cheryl Crow Touches Carl Rove; Arm Falls Off

During a White House Correspondents Dinner, Cheryl Crow, who, with Laurie David, is doing a Stop Global Warming College Tour, went up to Carl Rove, hoping to discuss the environmental issue with him. Carl didn't seem overly pleased with the sub...

Humor  humor cheryl carl tour stability quick beat state
Coming Up: State Level MBA Exams...TANCET, RMAT, SEE-UPTU

The national level MBA entrance exams have been held and the next stage of the admissions procedure i.e. Group Discussion, Personal Interview, Essay Writing are soon starting. On the other hand, the state level exams are also on a roll. MAH CET 2011 ...

Education  education exam entrance ability state year level
How To Create A Mission Statement

A mission statement is one of the most essential tools for any organization, big or small, for-profit or non-profit. It defines what your organization stands for, what it aims to accomplish, and how it will achieve those goals. It is a clear and conc...

Business And Finance  business finance mission statement services products customers