212 articles on "stock"

European Stock Exchange Listings

European Stock Exchange ListingsBy William CatePublished July 1999[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]An axiom: When buying exceeds selling, the share pri...

Business And Finance  business finance stock exchange european company list buying
Exit Strategies for Public Companies

Exit Strategies for Public Company InsidersBy William CatePublished January 2001[http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/globalvillageinvestmentclubwelcome/]There are three ways that public compa...

Business And Finance  business finance insiders public company stock companies merger years
Trends in Long-Term Incentives

Trends in Long-Term Incentives by: Paul R. Dorf, Ph.D., APD Upper Saddle River, N.J. – March 8, 2004 - Compensation Resources, Inc. released the results of a study they recently conducted of 642 companies covering the usage of Long-Term Incent...

Business And Finance  business finance companies compensation publicly traded indicated stock
Selecting a good Stock Trading Software

Selecting a good Stock Trading Software by: Stock-Trading-Advice.com There are so many different stock trading software packages on the market that you could try a different one, every day of the year, and never run the same one twice. Many tra...

Business And Finance  business finance trading stock software time doesnapost market
Trailing Stops Tested

Trailing Stops - How I Track Them... And How You Should, Too By Dr. Steve SjuggerudMy two basic rules for consistent investment success are as follows:1. Buy something of extraordinary value when nobody else wants it.2. Don't lose money... use t...

Business And Finance  business finance trailing donapost track stops stock just
Charitable Remainder Trusts

A charitable remainder trust (CRT) funded during the grantors lifetime can be a very effective financial planning took, providing the grantor valuable lifetime benefits. Take the case of 72 year-old Phillip Philanthropist who has $1,000,000 of highly...

Legal  legal phillip stock income lifetime financial benefits planning
Stockholm - The Most Beautiful Capital In The World

Stockholm is not as big and famous as Paris, London or New York. Still it is regarded as one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. The Swedish city captures the heart of every visitor.Arriving in Stockholm is already something special. From y...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure stockholm swedish water
Stock Market Diversification

Stock Market Diversification by: Charles M O'Melia In one of my previous articles (Investing in the stock market -9 powerful tips), tip number one was: 1. Do not spread your money too thin. My friend has a little over $200,000 invested in...

Business And Finance  business finance portfolio stock market fees theory funds harry
Reasons To Get A Steamer Stockpot For Your Kitchen

A family is not a family without a home. A home is not a home without a kitchen. Likewise, a kitchen is not a kitchen without cooking equipments. These includes pots and pans and of course together with their accessories. A stockpot as it evolves fro...

Food And Drink  food drink steamer stockpot kitchen foods fish
When It Comes To Investing, Leave Your Emotions Out Of It

When It Comes To Investing, Leave Your Emotions Out Of It by: Franco Smeaux When it comes to investing, leave your emotions out of it. When it comes to many areas of your life you can rely on your emotions and instincts or gut feelings. But whe...

Business And Finance  business finance stock money emotions fear