342 articles on "students"

What Is Character Education And How Is It Incorporated Into The Classroom?

Character education in schools focuses on the role of the educator in developing moral and ethical behavior in their students. Due to the increase in school violence since the 1990s, character education programs have become gradually more important t...

Education  education character students teachers moral development community
What is the Cost of College Tuition?

What is the Cost of College Tuition? by: Michael Carter What is the average cost of college tuition? This is one question that most parents and future students ask themselves and need to know in order to plan for a college education. The nationa...

Business And Finance  business finance tuition college year students rates average increase many
Management Business College

In modern era there has been an explosion of MANAGEMENT BUSINESS COLLEGES in our country. The students now have wide opportunity to choice the right institute. In the field of management education India has more than 1000 Business College providing u...

Education  education management institutions mangalmay business india students
Holistic Junction's Featured School of the Week Austin Schools of Massage

Holistic Junction's Featured School of the Week: Austin Schools of Massageby C. Bailey-LloydHolistic Junction's featured school of the week is 'Austin Schools of Massage - the world at your fingertips.' Austin Schools of Massage a...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation massage schools austin hours students holistic
Take Advantage of Academic Advisement

Take Advantage of Academic Advisement by: Robert Crawford III Advisement or Career counseling in any area can be conducive in assisting students in the process of decison making. But it is absolutely cruicial in the world of academics and career...

Education  education students academic career counseling work employment when
What is the University of Phoenix Campus Like?

Established in 1976, the University of Phoenix is the oldest and arguably the most successful online university. While going online has propelled the University to the popularity that it enjoys today, it still retains its brick and mortar roots. Desc...

College Articles  college articles university phoenix campuses online students
What is the Theory of Multiple Intelligences? Part 2: Cultural Influence

Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences developed as he worked with brain injured adults and autistic children. He identified distinct portions of the brain that control specific human abilities or talents like analysis, classification...

Kids And Teens  kids teens intelligences students gardner multiple
Quality Schools

After presenting these ideas at the NAREN (National At-Risk Education Network) in Wisconsin last week, I was asked to write an article that would be able to reach more people to spread the exciting word about Dr. William Glasser’s work in the area ...

College Articles  college articles students school work quality
How to Find Money for College Education

Many current and future college students need help to pay for college. Especially with tuition rates going up every year, students are looking for ways to pay for their college eduction.Student loans may be a necessity, but there are other sources of...

College Articles  college articles students grants money loans will
Emerging Study Suggests Youngsters Oftentimes Outgrow Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Do kids outgrow Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD? Are Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD troubles subjective, based upon who is looking at them? Does the class atmosphere influence a child's potential to concentrate? A newly published Duke Universi...

Parenting  parenting attention deficit disorderadhd troubles kids students