274 articles on "style"

Using professional XP style icons in successful application development

The use of professional XP style icons in your applications can not only help you sell your products/services but also help you retain customers and attract newer ones. XP style icons act as secret weapons using which you can show your individuality...

Computers And Internet  computers internet icons style software designed professional help
People Literacy

People literacy is knowing how to read and understand the behavioral style differences of others. Every Manager has experienced the frustration of not understanding why one management approach that works beautifully with one employee is ineffective w...

Business And Finance  business finance people behavioral style
The Ups And Downs Of Using CSS

When it comes to web designs and creating web layouts, CSS has been considered by many as one of the most widely used form of language for web development. This is because of its several advantages compared to the use of tables. Advantages CSS (or...

Web Development  development content stylesheet lack multiple several
Hairstyles That Make You Look Attractive

Hairstyles That Make You Look Attractive by: Mike YeagerHave you ever wanted to change your hairstyles every couple of weeks? It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, not at all. Thinking about different hairstyles simply means that...

Women  women hairstyle hair looking different
What To Look For in Persian Rugs

Selecting a Persian rug can be a daunting task for most people. There is a lot of misinformation out there as to what to look for. Lets face it, a good Persian rug can cost a lot of money, and most people will be hesitant to make a significant invest...

Home Improvement  home improvement persian rugs styles knots
Illness - What Can We Do About It?

Illness - What Can We Do About It? by: Ingela Berger Illness concerns everyone. How can we approach it? And what is the reason behind illness? Whether you need to stay well or get well, lifestyle changes are essential to help you win the fight a...

Health  health reason lifestyle illness treatment changes area
A guide to purchasing professional XP icons online and enhance your applications

Icons are used everywhere; right from software applications, to internet browsers, to operating systems to websites and even in print media. But businesses have to waste a good deal of money and time in manufacturing icons on their own. Professional ...

Business And Finance  business finance icons icon exclusive format style applications
A Style Sheet Language More Powerful Than CSS

Cascading Style Sheet or CSS is considered by many web professionals as one of the most successful style sheet language introduced for website design. It was the style sheet language that revolutionized the way graphic designers design a website with...

Web Development  development sheet style language design xslt from
Use These Ways To Keep Hairstyle At Home

How make the hairstyle more professional, does not it to take with hair stylist, or go to salon bar every several days? Of course not. Sometimes, only to adjust a small part of hair, only if you grasp the skills, that can keep your hairstyle as the s...

Women  women hair products curl hairstyle luster
How Do I Wear Womens Suede Boots?

How Do I Wear Womens Suede Boots? by: Brian Fong Throughout time, women have had a love affair with footwear. Forget diamonds or furs – footwear has been and continues to be the accessory of choice for many women from all social circles. Just ...

Women  women suede boots pair womens style