74 articles on "supplements"

Memory Supplements That Can Help You To Improve Your Recall

Aging or busy schedules can be the root causes of a certain amount of forgetfulness and may be considered natural. However, such factors can also lead to medication usage and depression which can seriously affect a person's memory. Scientists be...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation memory supplements brain help
65+? Supplements To Boost Your Health

Doctors instruct people 65 years and older to get flu shots, eat a high-fiber diet and do strengthening exercises to stay healthy. But of all the things older people can do, taking nutritional supplements ranks as one of the easiest. It's one t...

Health  health vitamin people older supplements years from
Calcium: the Miracle Mineral

Calcium: the Miracle Mineral by: Charlene J. Nuble We’ve heard it not only once or twice or even thrice but a lot of times. If you want healthy bones and teeth then pack up on the Calcium intake. While it is true that calcium is absolutely nec...

Health  health calcium daily supplements intake
Are Weight Loss Supplements Right For You?

Are Weight Loss Supplements Right For You? by: Tom Worsley The debate about whether supplements for weight loss are healthy or not will go on and on for years to come. There are good and bad points to using weight loss supplements. One of the ba...

Health  health weight supplements loss time exercise good
Dog Supplements Enhance The Health And Being Of Our Best friends

Supplements for dogs are specific formulations of nutriments feed to dogs as well as their ordinary diet. The object of supplements for dogs is to enhance the fitness of your dog by providing some missing ingredient or nutrient not found in the pets ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals supplements dogs food daily
Should I Be Taking Vitamin Supplements?

Should I Be Taking Vitamin Supplements? by: Ruth Stattmiller Most people believe that they are reasonably healthy. Exercise, having a solid diet, and keeping stress to a minimum is a great way to live a longer, happier, and healthier life. That ...

Health  health supplements vitamin vitamins people even
Fertility Herbal Supplements - The Key to Getting Pregnant

Fertility Herbal Supplements Statistics show that over five million American woman and their partners who have had unprotected sex for at least a year attempting to get pregnant have not been able to conceive. Many of them think that one or both of ...

Family  family supplements fertility natural herbal lifestyle brought
Supplements and Vitamins … Can They Enhance Your Weight Loss Goals?

Supplements and Vitamins … Can They Enhance Your Weight Loss Goals? by: Mike Yeager Nutritional supplements can play a key role in the health of children and adults. Many people feel that they don’t get enough vitamins and minerals through t...

Health  health supplements vitamin weight
Side Effects of Fish Oil

Side Effects of Fish Oil by: Yi Lai Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of fatty acids. Fish oil is recommended as source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil products are becoming increasingly popular due to the many health benefits. However, ...

Health  health fish supplements fatty acids
Supplements and Drugs: A Hazardous Combination

Supplements and Drugs: A Hazardous Combination by: Marjorie Geiser, RD, NSCA-CPT As I have become more involved in using functional nutritional therapy in my practice, I have come to realize that many people are still confused about the safety a...

Health  health supplements supplement drugs drug products