44 articles on "talent"

Reminiscing About Your Past Can Stimulate Your Future

Reminiscing About Your Past Can Stimulate Your Future by: Sonny Julius Have you ever thought much about how some of your past experiences and talents influenced how your life turned out? I sure have and I’ve found it not only interesting but v...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation past life talents could
Discipline is *Not* a Four-Letter Word

When I sit down to write an article for my ezine, WriteSuccess,and draw a blank as to what to write about, I reread my ezine's mission statement for guidance: "Ideas, information and inspiration for writers who want to launch and/or maintain SUC...

Writing  writing discipline writers talent after
From Discovery to Decision

"I just realized I have a talent for seeing patterns in random events and data. I can see how everything fits together while everyone around me remains confused." Hermione"My job drives me crazy. I spend hours preparing a presentation and, when the ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation talent where
Body Kits - Your Chance To Make Your Mark

Not all talent in this world gets recognized. There are many reasons for this. Often the talent does not get refined enough to be able to shine through somewhat like a rough diamond that never gets polished. Then sometimes the talent is not found at ...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks kits talent components
What Is Mastery And Why It Makes All The Difference In The World

What Is Mastery And Why It Makes All The Difference In The World by: Saleem Rana Mastery is the art of being at cause over a discipline. The absence of mastery is the presence of mediocrity, and an even lower stage is failure. These two experie...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation master mastery life talent during
Win Your Own Lotto!

I. WIN YOUR OWN LOTTOWhen people talk about enrichment, they are usually thinking of financial enrichment. (Show me the money!) But, we can enrich many other aspects of our lives too such as: spiritual, mental, physical, and social, as examples. Winn...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation talents future work

They do it regularly: with self discipline and dedication.I may not be one of the best writers around, but I've got dedication and self discipline (which comes from motivation, because I love what I do - although it's very hard work).I try ...

Writing  writing talent flow words creative
Discover Your Talent and Creativity

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Are you an undiscovered writer?Is there an artist inside you just itching to be let out?Do you see a musician in your dreams but ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation creative artist talents tomorrow
Book Summary: First, Break All the Rules

Book Summary: First, Break All the Rules by: Regine Azurin This article is based on the following book: First, Break All The Rules ‘What The World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently’ By Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman Simon & Schuster 27...

Online Business  online business work managers employee talent they
Education and Outsourcing, 2 Ways to Improve your Business.

Develop your skills and talents to perfection and outsource whatyou lack. If you have a talent for writing, become the perfectsalesletterwriter and if you don't know how to build a web sitelet an expert do that for you. By using education andout...

Online Business  online business talents talent