236 articles on "target"

Targeted Traffic with Pay Per Click’s

Targeted Traffic with Pay Per Click’s by: Dirk WagnerIn order for your online business to succeed you must get targeted traffic to your website. No matter what product or service you are selling, if you don’t make sales you won’t be in bus...

Online Business  online business search keywords keyword targeted

There has been a major change in the American socialstructure. For the first time, many older citizens havesignificant discretionary income. Among younger people withchildren, the mode now is both parents working. Many coupleshave very little discret...

Marketing  marketing target voice seniors
Managers, Have You Been Shortchanged

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 945 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2004...

Business And Finance  business finance perception target public relations will
Increase Your Resume Success Follow Up!

Last week I wrote about the importance of being proactive in the job search process. In today’s market you must sell yourself just as if you were a sales professional working with a new prospect. The first part, as I discussed, involves getting tar...

Business And Finance  business finance sales resume search targeted
Build Targeted Opt-In List In 24 Hours!

Build Targeted Opt-In List In 24 Hours!We all know that "The Money is in the list". But how are we going to build the list fast?Here I want to share with you not only how you can buildthe list fast, but Build Targeted Opt-In List in 24 hours!Let&apos...

Marketing  marketing list targeted build example create specific
Internet Marketing Strategies Paying For Traffic

If you've been struggling with your website traffic and yoursales aren't what you had hoped, then maybe it's time tostart paying for traffic.Pay-per-click Search Engines provide an extremely effectivemeans of obtaining highly targeted ...

Marketing  marketing search targeted keywords traffic will
Choosing Tactics for Your Web Site Marketing Plan

Based on the strategic marketing plan book "How Much for Just the Spider?"Objectives, strategies, and tactics - these are the parts of a solid strategic marketing plan. Your site objective defines the big picture, strategies provide the framework, an...

Marketing  marketing tactics target plan positioning
Managers Who Leave PR to Others

Managers Who Leave PR to Others by: Robert A. Kelly You’re a business, non-profit or association manager who needs to achieve your organizational objectives on schedule. Since public relations should be helping you do just that, why leave it w...

Business And Finance  business finance audience target relations public behaviors
Want PR's Full Value

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Word count is 860 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003...

Business And Finance  business finance audience relations public target perception
7 Rules for Ezine Ad Success

True: Ezine advertising is one of the most effective formof advertising available online...The most important thing for every advertiser is to findtargeted market for his product. That's exactly what ezineshas to offer. A targeted market. There ...

Marketing  marketing ezine ezines advertising targeted itaposs