66 articles on "technic"

The Advantages Of Having A Technical Support Specialist

If you are trying to set up a computer in the office or at home and think you need some assistance in internet, network set up, personal computer trouble shooting and more, you could use Internet Service Providers (ISP) and some similar retailers, or...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation technical support internet services when
How to Humanize the Sales Experience

Q. Sometimes when I’m presenting to clients, I sense that the customer tunes out. Is there a better way to communicate with a customer or engage them? A. Salespeople get caught up in the hype of their own product and lose touch with their client’...

Computers And Internet  computers internet client technical clients sales
Customer Service Warning—What to Watch for That Indicate We Have a Customer Service Problem

Customer Service Warning—What to Watch for That Indicate We Have a Customer Service Problem by: Alan Boyer Do you frequently hear that customers are unhappy about something, and sometimes they are downright frustrated. Yet, what you hear from ...

Business And Finance  business finance customer employees technical customers
In Defence of Moralizing High Technology

In Defence of Moralizing High Technology by: Stephen Ainsah-Mensah Modern societies are more and more becoming technical. The revolution in computer usage is a major contributor to this state of affairs. But this technicality has its demerits de...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation technical technology social from
Each discipline has its own language

English scholars may use such language as "stream of consciousness",while economists may speak of "market maximization".Unfortunately this makes it indecipherable to everyone else.Individuals not directly involved in the discipline, or arelated field...

Writing  writing language technical computer

a.k.a. PROTECT YOUR ORGANIZATION'S PROPRIETARY INFORMATION & AVOID BREAKING U.S. LAWThe other day one of our overseas clients called in a state of near panic, to ask a question. At issue was whether they had unwittingly violated U.S. law by tran...

Business And Finance  business finance technical data companies many