87 articles on "text"

10 Tips for Better Web Site Usability - and Profits!

Making a web site easy and convenient for visitors to use is a commonly overlooked key to selling more from it. The followingtips can help you do just that...1) A lesson for marketers is to make our web sites, products, etc., compatible with the larg...

Web Development  development visitors pages text
Digital Camera Phone Nokia 3650 is a Complete Mobile Communication Tool

These days, consumers expect their mobile phone to be much more than just a phone. Technology is moving at a breathtaking pace, and the features available on mobile phones now would hardly have been dreamed of even twelve months ago. All of a sudden ...

Cellular Phones  cellular phones phone video mobile games player voice features text
Why Texting And Driving Don't Mix

In 2009 the National Safety Council called upon state and federal lawmakers to ban cell phone use and texting while driving. According to the National Safety Council, texting or using a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as drunk driving. This ...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks driving texting cell phone states
8 Essential SEO techniques

8 Essential SEO techniques by: Matt Colyer1) Title Tag - The title tag is the most powerful on-site SEO technique you have, so use it creatively! What you place in the title tag should only be one thing, the exact keyword you used for the web pa...

Site Promotion  site promotion keywords link content text
11 Steps to "Sticky" Web Site!

11 Steps to "Sticky" Web Site! by: Collette GillianAn attractive and user-friendly Web site is crucial to attracting prospects and holding their interest. Seems obvious, yet poor design and even more poorly written content clutter the Web. The b...

Marketing  marketing text
How to test for the Javascript DOM

Browsing the forums, development articles and other resource sites raisedan interesting yet recurring question: "How do I test for the DocumentObject Model (DOM) employed by a browser?". Strangely enough I wasasking the same question when s...

Web Development  development value object true getdomobjectapostxtmytextboxidaposvalue approach
Finessing The Design Elements In Your Stickers

A great deal of finesse is needed when you design color stickers. Sticker printing is not your typical poster or banner print. Stickers, which are generally smaller in nature, need very precise design manipulation so that everything can fit perfectly...

Marketing  marketing design stickers images text
Why Would a Parent Need to Retrieve Deleted Text From Their Teens Cellular Phone?

As the number of teenagers that do a majority of their communication on cell phones grows higher and higher, the worries that parents have concerning what their teen may be doing on their phone also grows. Sending sext messages back and forth to othe...

Parenting  parenting cell phone teen text
Clarify Your Message With Clean Design Elements

This article may be freely published in your print or online newsletter or on your website provided1. You include the byline and the resource box;2. You print the article in its entirety, unchanged; and3. You notify the author when and where it'...

Business And Finance  business finance design font document right text
Increase Your Search Engine Ranking - What Works Now

The methods employed to increase your search enginerankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you haveprobably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tellyou - the time has come to face your website! A high searchengine ranking for your ...

Web Development  development search engine rankings text