627 articles on "things"

Mindfulness and Creativity The Wow of Wonder

You are so creative. Don't deny it. Whether or not you consider yourself a creative type, the truth is that you are constantly creating ideas. Mindfulness invites you to be aware of this constantly flowing river, and offers an opportunity to cho...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation wonder mindfulness ideas things
"Lisey"s Story" By Stephen King: A Romance Just In Time For Halloween

Stephen King has published a new book that is supposed to be a romance. But it turns out to be a romance that should might best take place during Halloween. He has not only written about two characters who loved each other; he has reverted to charact...

Humor  humor deceased story things romance turns
5 Simple Strategies for Keeping Your Life Stuck

5 Simple Strategies for Keeping Your Life Stuck by: Mary Ann Bailey, MC One of the most common statements I hear when I talk with potential clients is, "I feel stuck." People find themselves feeling stuck in different ways. They may be in a rela...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation life stuck things
Content Management Systems and building your eBiz

Content Management Systems and building your eBizAs a retired Software Engineer(big word for under paid corporation slave). I got tired of setting around to house telling my cat to stop doing the things cats do. I started a side business repairing co...

Web Development  development opensource things work
How To Use The Power Of Perception For Smooth Social Sailing

If you've ever been in an argument, and you were absolutely certain of your position, it can be embarrassing to later find out you were wrong. When we are so sure that we are right, and the other person is wrong, we can sometimes say things that...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation things viewpoint watching
Why You Should Stand by Your Man in Spite of His Cheating

There is no question about one thing: cheating is a very painful thing, as it is a high mark of betrayal. However, there are many good reasons why you should stand by your man although he has cheated on you. You need to bear some important things in ...

Relationships  relationships love things cheated
It's The Little Things That Count

It's The Little Things That Count by: Lorraine Pirihi Have you ever been in the situation where you have become so focussed on achieving a goal that you have done so at the detriment of everything else in your life? The 'All or Nothing...

Business And Finance  business finance small little things stumble life
These Are The Signs Of The Times

These Are The Signs Of The Times by: Geela It seems like everywhere you turn these days, extreme stress and high anxiety are the norm and joy of life is the exception. Sure, we have our “toys.” The only problem is that like anything that’s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spirituality living life things values spiritual
14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated

14 Reasons To Get Motivated And Stay Motivated by: Peter Murphy Why should you bother to spend your valuable time to learn how to get motivated and stay motivated? Here´s why. Your quality of life will change dramatically when you take charge...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation motivated things stay
Keeping Your New Years Resolutions

Keeping Your New Years Resolutions by: Melanie Mendelson New Year is the time when we usually look back on the events of the past year, see what we learned from it and what we achieved. Then we make resolutions for the upcoming year, all the thi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation resolutions goal goals things