529 articles on "ties"

The World Of Celebrity Impersonators

A celebrity impersonator or lookalike is an artist who copies or imitates a world famous celebrity, be it a film star, pop star, politician, sportsperson or royalty. A pre-requisite for being a celebrity impersonator is that the artist must bear at l...

Music And Entertainment  music entertainment celebrity artist star impersonator celebrities revolution
Holistic Treatment Center : Combat The Psychological Effects Of Child Abuse

Intentional or unintentional, child abuse has a great impact on the physical as well as physiological health of a child. This distressing event can happen anywhere like at homes, schools, organizations ethnic or cultural groups. Physical harms involv...

Health  health physical child depression difficulties intentional eating talk
Developing Citizenship and Patriotism In Your Child

Citizenship and patriotism are two important values that every parent would like to instill in their child. In today's world, with technology, globalization and a rapidly changing society, it can be challenging to inculcate these values in children. ...

Family  family citizenship country community activities serving
A Forecast of The Career Opportunities in Surgical Technology - Ahead of 2009

Surgical technology is a dynamic field that has continued to evolve rapidly since its inception in the 1960s. The profession initially started as a task-specific profession, with the primary role of aiding surgeons in the operating room. However, it ...

Education  education surgical technology employment opportunities rate hospitals
ADHD Beyond The Classroom

ADHD Beyond The Classroom by: News Canada (NC)—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is thought by some to be an "academic" disability causing difficulties with attention and concentration in the classroom. However, ADHD is more than...

Health  health adhd children symptoms attention difficulties difficulty
7 Tips to Have More Tiime

7 Tips to Have More Timeby Barbara Myers1. Reduce distractions so you can focus on your priorities. Turn off the TV. Arrange for quiet time at the office.2. Make a list of your priorities. Do tasks and activities relating to those first.3. Get rid of...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time office tasks priorities list barbara delegate
Global Nanotechnology Market Set for Stupendous Growth

The nanotechnology industry is still at a nascent stage. However, as the nanotechnology- based products are becoming popular worldwide, the industry future prospects look very bright. Undoubtedly, nanotechnology could be used (or embedded) in several...

Business And Finance  business finance nanotechnology industry products presents plethora opportunities improve measurement
Your Refilled Cartridges Can Pay Some Bills

Ever thought about putting your refilling talent to work for you? I'm not talking about starting an inkjet refilling business, however, there's nothing stopping you from doing that. What I mean is if you enjoy refilling inkjet cartridges th...

Computers And Internet  computers internet cartridges refilling refill empties
Global Development - So Much More Needed

Global Development - So Much More Needed by: Mel Dunn The tragic events resulting from the recent Tsunami on Boxing Day 2004 serve to again highlight the fragile nature of many of the world’s communities. In each of these locations the key tas...

Business And Finance  business finance development activities organisations from
Bully Victims Need a Healthy Relationship with an Adult

Bully Victims Need a Healthy Relationship with an Adult by: Paula McCoach "Boys will be boys" and "Girls just do that" is what we hear from so many people. As a kid myself, I remember getting teased and no one came to help or told me what to do....

Kids And Teens  kids teens program students mentors activities school