23 articles on "traders"

Day Trading Skills

Day Trading Skills by: Malcolm E Robinson I received an email from a prospective client. His question caused me to think about the wisdom of pursuing trading as a worthy venture. I know that a lot of readers are investors rather than traders, bu...

Business And Finance  business finance trading trader traders
Is day trading right for you

Do you have the tolerance for the risk involved with day trading? Day trading is not a get rich quick business. It is not technically even investing. This competitive game of day trading is speculation at its core and the odds are against you in favo...

Business And Finance  business finance trading money traders order time real
Online Forex currency trading Tools - View the Various Options Available

Online forex currency trading tools are a big help to new forex forex traders. Even experienced professional traders often depend on a few of these resources to verify their trading decisions. Due to global connectivity and telecom revolution, forex ...

Business And Finance  business finance forex trading online currency traders market professional forums
Forex Market Offers Opportunity And Information

Forex Market Offers Opportunity And Information by: Jay Moncliff The forex market is what is called an international exchange currency market, where currencies are exchanged on a daily basis. There are five forex market centers around the world ...

Business And Finance  business finance forex market currency traders euro
The Traders Secret Art of Setting Stop Losses - Guaranteed To Boost Profits

The Traders Secret Art of Setting Stop Losses - Guaranteed To Boost Profits by: David Jenyns When traders first begin considering their stop losses, keep in mind this comment from Tom Baldwin, a leading day-trader. He said, “The best traders h...

Business And Finance  business finance traders loss stock average losses they
FOREX Trading Philosophy

FOREX Trading Philosophy by: Dries Cronje Keen on starting FOREX trading? Why would you not be… Many beginning FOREX traders are captivated by the allure of easy money. FOREX websites offer 'risk-free' trading, 'high returns&apo...

Business And Finance  business finance trading forex risk core equity traders market
Forex market offers opportunity and information

The forex market is what is called an international exchange currency market, where currencies are exchanged on a daily basis. There are five forex market centers around the world – New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt and Zurich. One does not need t...

Business And Finance  business finance forex market currency traders euro there
The Seven Mistakes All Novice Traders Make and How to Correct Them

The Seven Mistakes All Novice Traders Make and How to Correct Them by: David Chandler Hi! We learnt the following the hard way! If any of these things applies to you, don't worry - there is an easy solution! MISTAKE ONE Lack of Knowledge a...

Business And Finance  business finance trading market donapost traders
Option Trading Tips - Trading & TAX

Did you know that the home-based business is considered by most tax experts to be the ‘last great tax shelter’ for individuals?For many traders, a home-based trading business, properly set-up and recognized by the IRS, can save them as much as $6...

Business And Finance  business finance trader traders trading most
The Big Lie What Wall Street Does Not Want You to Know

Learn more at:www.tradetofreedom.comTrouble in ParadiseKenneth Lay, Andrew Fastow, and Jeffrey Skilling of Enron are the preeminent poster boys for corporate greed, but by no means are the trio unique. In the back alley game of “Fleece the Shareho...

Business And Finance  business finance market trading traders point will