235 articles on "treatment"

What are genital warts and who is at risk?

Genital warts usually appear as soft, moist, pink or red swellings. They can be raised or flat, single or multiple, small or large. Some cluster together forming a cauliflower-like shape. They can appear on the vulva, in or around the vagina or anus,...

Health  health genital warts tinnitus treatment around
Treatment for Period Pains

GENERAL MEASURES Pelvic exam and a patient history may help suggest the cause of dysmenorrhea. Initial treatment aims are to relieve pain. Long term goals of treatment involve treating any underlying cause with medication, counseling or possibly surg...

Health  health relieve pain treatment dysmenorrhea tinnitus cause
Locating A Drug Rehab Center

Are you seeking drug rehab for yourself or for a friend or family member? Do you wish you could stop your addiction and get treatment? The fact that you are seeking help to get rid of your habit is a first step to get out of any addiction. Rehabilita...

Health  health treatment drug centers rehab alcohol addiction rehabilitation
Your Guide to Glaucoma Surgery

Anyone who has suffered from glaucoma will know what a serious condition it is. It is caused by the build up of pressure in the eye from the fluid being unable to flow freely around. If glaucoma is caught early there are procedures and measures that ...

Health  health glaucoma surgery treatment laser there
Glaucoma Treatment Available

Glaucoma is a condition of the eye that can result in serious problems if left untreated for a long time. It is caused when there is a build up of pressure in the eye. It is a slow developing condition but in the advanced stages of it the chances are...

Health  health glaucoma surgery treatment sight
Curly Hair Is Back for Spring 2005!

CURLS ARE BACK FOR SPRING 2005!Whether you have loose curls or tight coily locks you will definately be the talk of the town this spring!We can see the evidence of the popularity of curls at the recent Golden Globe Awards. There were many celebritie...

Women  women hair curls treatment curly
FDA Approves New Therapy for Depression

FDA Approves New Therapy for Depression by: Charles E. Donovan On July 18, 2005, the FDA approved vagus nerve stimulation therapy as a treatment for chronic depression. This is the first ever FDA-approved long term treatment option for sufferers...

Health  health nerve vagus study stimulation device treatment depression
Treat Your Dog\'s Arthritis Naturally

Rimadyl the Wonder Drug - Or Is It? If Your Dog Suffers From Arthritis, Consider The Natural Alternative...Rimadyl has been replaced by Glucosamine as the arthritis treatment of choice for many dog owners. After only 3 years on the market, Pfizers ag...

Family  family rimadyl arthritis dogs glucosamine treatment
Male Breast Cancer - What You Should Know About!

Have you know, that the breast cancer can also catch the man? Yes - it's really true! Have a look on the last news! The special Risk Factors for Male Breast Cancer - Only approximately 1-1.5% of all breast cancer cases occur in men. - Sever...

Men  breast cancer male treatment stage risk nipple
Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors?

Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors? by: Danna Schneider Did you ever notice that the bar is continually being raised on exactly what physical characteristics define beauty? As I sit in front of the TV, I am bombarded by beauties with pouty lips...

Women  women treatments cosmetic beautiful