58 articles on "trees"

The Australian King Parrot - An Overview

Australian King Parrots are common and widespread throughout the fringed eastern regions of the Australian continent. These birds prefer a habitat that is heavily forested ranging from Cooktown in Quennsland to Port Campbell in Victoria. They can be ...

Pets And Animals  pets animals regions australian continent temperate eucalyptus trees
Evergreens You Can Use For Landscaping

Evergreen trees and shrubs are more expensive in general than deciduous trees (trees that drop their leaves in winter). But they are worth their cost because of their year-round beauty, hardiness and longevity. Evergreens range from the broadleaved ...

Home Improvement  home improvement evergreen tree pine trees branches winter
CO2, Global Warming, and Pollen-Allergies

CO2, Global Warming, and Pollen-AllergiesThomas OgrenThe benefits of added organic matter to the soil have long been known and are usually attributed to increased nitrogen, greater water-holding capacity and an increase in activity of soil earthworms...

Environment  environment pollen trees plants levels
Evergreens To Use For Landscaping

Evergreens To Use For Landscaping by: Paul Curran Evergreen trees and shrubs are more expensive in general than deciduous trees (trees that drop their leaves in winter). But they are worth their cost because of their year-round beauty, hardiness...

Home Improvement  home improvement tree evergreen pine trees branches
The Art and Discipline of Growing Japanese Bonsai

Growing miniature trees is only a small part of what the art and discipline of bonsai is all about. The word "bonsai" in Japanese is translated as small tray (bon) to plant (sai) or "to plant in a small tray", but if you have only planted a tree in a...

Hobbies  hobbies bonsai tree trees small artist
A Lesson in Sustainability

Scientists are currently conducting a study on loblolly pines. The study utilizes a ring of carbon dioxide generators that surrounds patches of these trees. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of an increase of CO2 in the air on these...

Government  government trees study dioxide carbon
How to Prune Plum Trees

How to Prune Plum Trees by: Paul Curran In this article you will find out how to prune plum trees. One of several articles on how to prune fruit trees. Pruning plum trees is straightforward, once the trees are established, and consists mainly of...

Home Improvement  home improvement tree trees pruning branch prune plum
Western Red Cedar

The Tree of Life - Western Red Cedar (Thuya plicata) is a major species which flourishes in northwestern Montana and because of its exceptional durability has become known as arbour-vitae 'The Tree of Life'. Of Montana's total land are...

Environment  environment tree trees species mountains montana cedar most
How to Modify Your Landscaping to Protect Your House from Burglars

How to Modify Your Landscaping to Protect Your House from Burglars by: TC Thorn Believe it or not, landscaping can be an important part of a good home security plan. A burglar who is "casing the joint" from the street will choose the house with ...

Home Improvement  home improvement shrubs windows house lawn trees
Don't Cook The Trees Barbecue Safety

My first experience of a barbecue was as a seventeen year old at a friend'shouse. His farther, Douglas, was an expert at barbecuing, with many yearsexperience, we thought! It was a hot summers day but with a light breeze, so Douglas, with all th...

Family  family barbecue douglas experience cardboard trees