66 articles on "truth"

The Character of a Nation

A nation is only as strong as the character of its people. In a speech just before his historic inauguration as the United State's 44th President, Barack Obama said, "never forget that the true character of our nation is revealed not during time...

Government  government nation character liberty truth people religious
Genesis 1 & 2: Fact or Parable?

As a Christian living today there are a number of voices who claim to be speaking for all of us, they assail science and insist that we must literally accept every word in the Bible as true. In doing so they fail both themselves and others for much i...

Religion  religion genesis parables science truth
Islamtribune: Balancing World News and Muslim Views

With a world of mass-media and internet reaching every single household, it is becoming increasingly difficult to feed the entire human race with a single world view of global events. Anyone can easily surf the web and find out about new perspectives...

Religion  religion world views media mass muslim powers truth
Book Summary What Is The Emperor Wearing

This article is based on the following book:What Is The Emperor Wearing?Truth-Telling In Business RelationshipsButterworth-HeinnemanISBN 0-7506-9872-1217 pagesThis book is inspired by the popular tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. It provides st...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation truth telling when
Should I Spy - 3 Legitimate Motives for Spying on Your Cheating Spouse

Should you spy on your cheating husband or wife? You believe you see signs of a cheating spouse.The need to know whether your spouse is cheating and EXACTLY what kind of cheating is taking place is often strong. There are a number of reasons why the ...

Family  family cheating truth there
Reflecting on the History of Women

I’ve made a conscience effort to truly contemplate and study the story of women this month since it is nationally recognized as Women’s History Month. I expanded my studies beyond just the recent feminist history, which in my opinion is a definit...

Women  women history truth blue
The Better Product Fallacy

The Better Product Fallacy by: Arvind Kumar Another fallacy ingrained in the minds of most marketing managers is the belief that the better product will win the marketing battle. Behind the thinking of many marketing managers is the thought that...

Business And Finance  business finance truth inside sales mind advertising marketings
The Truth on the Payday Loan

The Truth on the Payday Loan  by: Jay Moncliff For a while many Americans were relying on a payday loan to help them pay the bills and get through until payday. However, many of these services have become illegal because of the high interest rat...

Business And Finance  business finance loan payday money fees truth might
Is it Offensive to Request a Father DNA Test?

"...That everyday people, they lie to God too. So what makes you think, that they won't lie to you." These powerful lyrics are from Lauryn Hill's song, "Forgive Them Father". This applies so often to issues of paternity. Paternity can have...

Family  family truth paternity time
7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale "Disappears"

7 Ways to Get to the Truth: When the Sale "Disappears" by: Ari Galper You're close, really close, to making a sale. Your potential client is in the market for your product or service and you've had a couple of good meetings. Based on h...

Business And Finance  business finance sale clients truth potential