49 articles on "united"

Wealthy Countries Richer… but Sending Less in Aid

Forty-five million children are set to die by 2015 if countries like the United States and Britain don’t meet their aid quotas, reports the international agency of Oxfam.Even though countries like those in the G7 are wealthier than they have ever b...

Government  government countries states united will
Fight Deportation With An Immigration Lawyer

The threat of deportation can be terrifying for anyone. You've invested years into building a new life in America and you don't want to lose your work and your family. What many don't know is that there are legal options to fight depor...

Legal  legal deportation immigration states united there
ACLU is at it again

“ACLU—Again”God help us, please! The ACLU is at it again. This time their secular agenda is targeting the Pentagon, having brought civil litigation against the United States military for their 50 year history of sponsoring the Boy Scouts of Am...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation scouts america states united
Addressing The Types Of Gender Inequality Around The World (2): Domestic Violence

'Despite the fact that domestic violence appears to be frequent practically everywhere, it is also one of the most underreported offences' [Anna Alvazzi del Frate & Angela Patrignani (1995). Women's Victimisation In Developing Countrie...

Women  women violence domestic nations united people often
7 Reasons You Should Choose Chinese As a Second Language

Reason 1 - Over 1.2 billion people speak the Chinese Language. It is spoken by one out of every five people on earth, more than any other language in the world.Reason 2 - The Chinese civilization is over 6000 years. Learning the language is the key t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation chinese language china business united states
The Obama Testament

In the beginning there was only Hillary. And the Democrats were without form. And there was corruption, and lying, and deceit, and intimidation. And then the spirit of Obama came and moved upon the waters. And Obama said Let there be hope and cha...

Government  government obama people united states
The Opportunities As A Freelance Proofreader in the UK

The Opportunities As A Freelance Proofreader in the UK by: Niall Cinneide A UK based freelance proofreader should be able to provide quality products for the United Kingdom audience. There are many differences in the type of work that is produce...

Writing  writing proof united work reading
Four Fights Between Big Corporations and Latin American Interests

Latin America is an incredible place - no question. Anyone who takes a Latin American vacation is likely to have some impressive stories to tell when they get back home. Latin America however has more to it than just being a tourist attraction - for ...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure latin america united company chevron fruit from
Mission Possible Know and Use Your Company Mission Statement from the Start!

The world works better when we know our mission. What do you wantto settle at your parent eacher conference? If you're runningfor a public office, what do you want to take on as your cause?If you are spending money and time and worry to start yo...

Business And Finance  business finance mission company members statement services united