35 articles on "utis"

Dare To Be Different - Because Your Child Is Autistic

Are you tired of playing games, wearing masks or trying to be someone other than yourself, because you have a child who is autistic? You would like freedom to be accepted for who your are, without the pressure to be someone you are not, for the fact,...

Parenting  parenting child different autistic people dare
Why Do Some Autistic Children Do Self-Injury And Self-Harm To Themselves?

I am sure you are curious and ask yourself, why would anyone want to hurt or harm themselves? That is a question that is difficult to answer especially when it comes to children with autism. First of all, it is not only children who give themselves ...

Parenting  parenting harm injury autism they
Parent(s) Who Have Children With Autism Can Become Positive How?

Most children with autism, have a behavior problem, that can have a negative effect on you as parent(s). It is a difficult task to try to become a positive parent(s) when the frustration of your child with autism continues his or her behavior that is...

Parenting  parenting child parents positive autism
What if You Could Teach and Develop Self-Control in Your Autistic Child?

To teach and develop self-control for your child with autism, you as parent(s), caregiver(s), must be ready to use different techniques and strategies, depending on the age of your child, and the amount of understanding, and independence your child r...

Parenting  parenting child control teach understand autism they
Are There Miracle Cures For Autistic Children?

If you have a child with the disorder of autism, you are probably looking for a" miracle cure" for the treatment. Are there "miracle cures" for your child? Because autism is a mysterious disorder, there are many treatments that are being used, tested...

Parenting  parenting autism miracle cure disorder
You Have An Autistic Child - Do You Feel It Is Your Fault?

The news has been revealed that your child is now diagnosed with the disorder of autism. You are feeling it is your fault. You do not know why you feel this way, or can you explain why, but you are taking on the responsibility that it is your fault, ...

Parenting  parenting fault child disorder autism
Is There Mental Retardation Present in Your Child With Autism?

You as parent(s), caregiver(s), may believe your child with autism could have mental retardation. Knowing your child, and depending on the age of your child, the level of autism, that is a subject that is not an easy one to expound on. Why? Many pare...

Parenting  parenting child autism tests they
Autism in Toddlers Can be Detected Early Compared to Infants?

Toddlers, with Autism can be detected early, compared to infants. Is this true? Many parent(s), caregivers(s) are concerned, if their infant will have the disorder of autism. Although there are signs of hereditary factors or problems existing from bi...

Parenting  parenting toddler autism signs
How to Care For An Autistic Child

Having a child with autism can be both a very challenging and daunting task. Although a hard decision, it sometimes becomes in the best interest of the child and the family to admit the child into an autism care home. These autism care homes are lice...

Parenting  parenting care child autism family
Herbs Can Help Allergies For Children With Autism?

Your child may have allergies along with the disorder of autism. Could herbs be a help with allergies? As summer approaches or any season, allergies usually increase for many individuals, and that includes children with autism. Pollen becomes an incr...

Parenting  parenting herbs allergies autism