61 articles on "values"

It Pays For Single Christians To Date Other Like-Minded People

It Pays For Single Christians To Date Other Like-Minded People by: Drew Harris Searching for the perfect mate can be one of life's greatest challenges. Afterall, forever is a long time. You want to make the right decision. Dating itself c...

Family  family people time values
8 Ways To Get Off The Success-Go-Round And Have A Consistent Flow Of Success

8 Ways To Get Off The Success-Go-Round And Have A Consistent Flow Of Success by: Marie Roker Are you consistently chasing success? Once you achieve it, do you desperately try to continue the pattern of making it happen again? Isn't it time ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation values success core time
Multiple Streams of Writing Income Part 3: Values, Vision, Purpose, Mission Objectives

Your Values The first component is the core values on which you will be basing your vision. Values speak to your true essence and represent who you are and what you stand for. Experts have pointed out that if a person were to lose one of their core ...

Writing  writing vision values purpose will
Bringing Spirituality to the Workplace

What is spirituality in the workplace? Some companies would tell you that it is bringing your values to work and using them in everyday life. Values like honesty, integrity, and good quality work. Other companies would tell you it is treating each cu...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation companies work values people workplace
Personal Core Values

Personal Core Values by: Douglas Woods Each of us has our own set of values. These are what determine which aspects of life we regard as important or beneficial. Our values help determine our tastes, our way of life, our entertainment, our socia...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation values life core these
Your Life - Your Values

Everyone has things in their life they value. Some peoplevalue family and community, others value wealth and havingfun. There are no right or wrong answers when it comes tovalues, they just are. Regardless of what you value, allvalues adhere to one f...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation values real estate value life
Three Foundation Stones for Building Organizational Integrity

Three Foundation Stones for Building Organizational Integrity by: Dr. Freddy DavisWhen the stock market crashed in 1929, there were a lot of people who lost everything they had. You would think that the result of that event would be complete and...

Business And Finance  business finance values
It´s not your lack of goals that causes a lack of success, It´s the relation between your values and your operations

Subtitle:Your Values determine your Motivation and Focus, and your Focus determinesyour progression, results, and success. by Kenth Bender© 2003 Kenth BenderIt is seldom the lack of goals that causes failure, it is more often the lack of connect...

Business And Finance  business finance values motivation focus
Take the Personal Out of the Workplace: Leave Your Troubles at the Door!

Take the Personal Out of the Workplace: Leave Your Troubles at the Door! by: Joanne Victoria Bringing your emotional baggage into the work place is inappropriate for all the reasons you may imagine. Yet employees, managers and business owners do...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation values manager work business
How To Get Promoted - Take Control Of Your Destiny!

How To Get Promoted - Take Control Of Your Destiny! by: Frank F. Lunn It Is Up To You So, you want to get promoted. The possibility really lies in your own hands. Remember the trite but true saying, “If it is to be, it is up to me!” Don’t...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation success valueself