38 articles on "walking"

Get In Shape For The Festive Season. What You Have To Do Right Now.

Get In Shape For The Festive Season. What You Have To Do Right Now. by: Janice Wee Soon, it will be that time of the year. Thanksgiving through Christmas Season. The time of family gatherings, followed by major partying, is coming faster than yo...

Health  health calories walking
Burn Calories And Enhance Body Sculpting Results With Challenging Workouts On An Incline Treadmill

Burn Calories And Enhance Body Sculpting Results With Challenging Workouts On An Incline Treadmill by: Saurya Ghosal Incline treadmill is suitable for wide range of therapies and workouts. Incline treadmill provides a more challenging way to inc...

Health  health treadmill incline walking people calories body
Trim The Gas Budget And Your Waistline

Trim The Gas Budget And Your Waistline by: Tracie Johanson In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, gasoline prices appear to be on automatic pilot to the moon. As reported by www.cnn.com on 9-5-05, "Drivers paid an average of about $3.20 a gallon...

Health  health walking work calories burn prices
Healing Landscapes

Throughout my life, going for solitary walks on the beach or in the woods has been the best therapy for whatever ailed me. Walking helps me process my emotions and clear my thoughts. Whether there is a challenging problem I need to think through, or ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation walking landscapes healing
Walking with Gratitude

Walking with GratitudeJoyce Moseley PierceDuring this season of gratitude and thanksgiving, I wanted to write about something we do every day with very little thought. Something we’ve been doing since we were very small. Most of us did it before we...

Family  family walk walking about
Essential Power Walking Tips

Essential Power Walking Tips by: Marcy Jenkins Ever since I took a power walking class in college, I have been hooked. If you are thinking about learning how to power walk, I strongly urge you to do so. It is fun and a great way to get in shape ...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports walking power walk alsoself
How To Exercise: Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise For You

How To Exercise: Choosing The Right Type Of Exercise For You by: Ray Kelly So you have to start an exercise program. What are you going to do? How are you going to exercise? Well the type of exercise you do largely depends on you. What do you li...

Health  health exercise walking just
Walking Is Easily The Best Exercise

If you are overweight, then join the club. Most people today are, but that's no excuse. Why not do something about your condition, so you can better prepare yourself for the future? You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Let's ge...

Health  health walking physical just
Dog Too Spoiled To Walk On Leash

Dear Mr. Katz:I have a 4 month old female pup, AmStaff/Boxer (we think - she was a rescue). She responds well to all training, EXCEPT for walking and heeling.We've practiced the loose-leash "turning on a dime" technique described in your book a...

Family  family walking simply
Do You Want to Be Healthy? Then Get to Steppin!

Do You Want to Be Healthy? Then Get to Steppin! by: Dr. John Rumberger From fat burning, to improved cardiovascular health, to improved recovery abilities, some aerobic work is recommended as an integral part of all training programs. Aerobic is...

Health  health walking walk imagine