26 articles on "waves"

How To Spot The Next Big Wave, Surfer Style!

Aloha !!I'm lucky to live in Maui, Hawaii. Surrounded by the "mightyblue", it's difficult not to think of waves! Will you spot the nextReal Internet Tidal Wave? You can't afford not to! Read on ;-)Did you know that many colleges and hi...

Marketing  marketing network wave companies waves products people
When the Seas of Life Get Stormy, Use These Tips to Ride the Waves to Run and Happiness

You’re the CAPTAIN of your ship. Be empowered means having a deep sense of confidence that you can take charge of your ship and handle whatever comes up. Use your personal power and intentionality to keep your ship on course through stormy waters.A...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation ship waves times need
Gaining a Child\'s Trust

My daughters and I went to the beach several weeks ago. They were having a blast playing in the freezing cold water as I tiptoed around the waves, trying to keep my feet from becoming frost bitten. Next to us in the water was a mother with her daught...

Kids And Teens  kids teens mother child waves
Theta Meditation

As time is flying with leaps and bounds, humans are gradually entangling among the hectic affairs of daily life. Work pressures as well as homely responsibilities are simply shattering the mental peace. It becomes impossible for one to think of relax...

Health  health meditation theta mind waves help
Gaining a Child’s Trust

My daughters and I went to the beach several weeks ago. They were having a blast playing in the freezing cold water as I tiptoed around the waves, trying to keep my feet from becoming frost bitten. Next to us in the water was a mother with her daught...

Family  family mother child waves
When the Seas of Life Get Stormy, Surf the Waves to Fun & Happiness

When the sea of life gets stormy, how can you stay shipshape and ride the waves? You’re the CAPTAIN of your ship. Being empowered means having a deep sense of confidence that you can take charge of your ship and handle whatever comes up. Use your p...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation ship waves life wave