132 articles on "wire"

Securing Your Wireless Home Network

Securing Your Wireless Home Network by: Rick Rouse Do you have a wireless network installed in your home? Chances are that you do. If so, did you know that hackers might be using your Internet connection without your knowledge or consent? It&apo...

Computers And Internet  computers internet wireless network from
Small & Medium Size Businesses

Small & Medium Size Businesses by: Michael Fleidervish The revolutionary Compensation Plan from CellWireless was created to SAVE your business money and time. Do you own your own business or have a home office and make a lot of International an...

Online Business  online business phone compensation plan cellwireless
Marketing Director

Vibrafoon turns mobile phone into personal massaging device Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 2005 - Vibrafoon launches the Vibrafonic, an application that turns a mobile phone into a subtle personal massaging device. According to Harry Lips, marketi...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure vibrafoon mobile vibrafonic payment phone sharewire distribution
Going Mobile, Part 1 Wireless Phone Service for Your Home Business

This article may be used freely on your website as long asit remains intact, including author byline and resourcebox and links. We would appreciate it if you would notifyus when it is used: < mailto:donna@parentpreneurclub.com >Going Mobile: Wireless...

Business And Finance  business finance phone wireless cost time
Auction, Anywhere with Abidia. Gaining an edge over your competition.

Abidia provides tools to allow you to watch over your eBay auctions while you are not at your computer. If you are a buyer or a seller, this can give you the competitive edge over your competitors.Abidia’s remarkable BidSync technology lets you per...

Computers And Internet  computers internet items ebay wireless abidia phone
Setting up a Network Wired or Wireless

To Wire or Not to WireWireless networks are en vogue, but your installation won’t be successful unless you chose the right type of network and set it up properly. Wired networks require that each computer be connected via a wire to a central locati...

Computers And Internet  computers internet network wireless networks wired
3G Technology – Promises and Challenges

IntroductionImagine a situation where you are about to make an important Sales Presentation. You realize that you have brought the wrong presentation slides and you call up your colleague. She immediately emails the file to your 3G terminal and you t...

Computers And Internet  computers internet wireless mobile technology
Siemens Electronics At Frankfurt Motor Show: No Matter How You Call It, Revolution Or Invasion... It Will Only Grow

Siemens Electronics At Frankfurt Motor Show: No Matter How You Call It, Revolution Or Invasion... It Will Only Grow by: Bechara Aboul-Nasr No matter how you call it, every car change brings us new systems and functions. No matter what you do, th...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks electronics systems wire electronic system will
Using Wireframes for PA Web Design Projects

Wireframes make up an important part of every web design project, whether they are pencil sketches or actual HTML prototypes because the whole idea behind the wireframe is that the team invests a bit of time upfront to avoid costly mistakes after dev...

Web Development  development wireframe project team time process make
Road Warrior At Risk The Dangers Of Ad-Hoc Wireless Networking

Airport Menace: The Wireless Peeping TomAs a network security consultant, I travel quite frequently. At times, it seems like the airport is my second home. I actually like to fly, it's a moment in time where no one can reach me by e-mail, or mob...

Computers And Internet  computers internet wireless network ethernet laptop