2,566 articles on "women"

A look at Tooth Whiteners

Tooth whiteners have become increasingly popular over the years as people prioritize having a brighter, more radiant smile. From whitening toothpaste to dentist appointments, the options for teeth whitening seem endless. While tooth whiteners might n...

Women  women teeth bleaching whitestrips toothpastes
Additional Tips For Attracting Girls

Attracting girls is not an easy task, and it takes more than just being good looking and confident. To successfully attract the girl of your dreams, you need to have a well-rounded approach to your dating strategy. In this article, we will take a loo...

Men  women attracting girlsself these
Types of Woman's Swimwear

Types of Woman's Swimwear by: Adam MurrayThis is one of many articles posted weekly on http://www.beach-supplies.com/When anyone goes to the beach they usually observe several different types of swimwear girls walking around. Some have one ...

Women  women girls swimwear bikinis tankinis most
Choosing A Perfume

Perfumes have been an integral part of human culture for centuries. From the ancient Egyptians to contemporary society, perfumes have been used to enhance one's appeal and confidence. A good fragrance not only makes you smell good but also plays a cr...

Women  women different choice fragrances perfumes scents
The Scent of a Woman

The scent of a woman has been attributed to many things throughout history. From the sweet and fruity fragrances of ancient Egyptian perfumes to the musky and sensual scents of modern fragrances, there is no denying the power of scent when it comes t...

Women  women woman scent features fragrance different
Choose Life, Abortion Stops a Beating Heart

Choose Life, Abortion Stops a Beating Heart by: Rose DesRochers I believe in the right to life. I believe that there is a human life forming from the moment of contraception. I believe anyone who allows or has an abortion is denying the right to...

Women  women human life right woman baby abortion inside
Want Healthy Glowing Skin?

Want Healthy Glowing Skin? by: Kenia Morales Are you struggling with skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis etc.? Various factors such as toxins, vitamin, mineral, protein deficiencies, long-term exposure to sun light, dehydration etc. might...

Women  women skin vitamin intake toxins skins healthy
Prenatal Health - Folic Acid an Overview

FOLIC ACID – AN OVERVIEW Folic Acid, also know as Vitamin B9, assists in preventing certain birth defects of the spinal cord and brain known as neural tube defects (NTDs). Without a sufficient amount of Folic Acid the cells that form the baby’s b...

Women  women folic acid defects helps birth brain births
Diamond Hoop Earrings: The Diva's Choice

Diamond Hoop Earrings: The Diva's Choice by: Sam Serio Men grow cold as girls grow old And we all lose our charms in the end But square-cut or pear-shaped These rocks don't lose their shape Diamonds are a girl's best friend from ...

Women  women hoop earrings earring diamond diamonds when
Antique Jewellery: Real or Repro?

Behold that gorgeous antique brooch you've been staring at for the last few days on the internet! It's obviously Art Nouveau... isn't it? It's often very difficult to distinguish from a genuine antique jewellery piece and a good ...

Women  women piece victorian jewellery gold identify