7 Tips to Save Time at Work

1. Meet with staff, boss and co-workers on a regular basis to reduce frequent interruptions.

2. Make a daily to-do list and become more productive. You'll be even more effective if you prioritize and schedule
specific times to do the items.

3. Place any item you need to follow-up on in a "Holding" file. Mark the follow-up dates in your planner.

4. Schedule fifteen minutes, twice daily, to take care of the small tasks that never seem to get done. For example, from 11:45 to 12:00 and from 3:15 to 3:30 you will file and order supplies.

5. Make a list of your priorities on a sticky note. Place the note on your computer monitor where you'll see it
often. It will help you focus.

6. Batch phone calls. If possible, don't answer your phone at certain times during the day when you are working on projects. Return all the calls at once.

7. Finish your work day by placing tomorrow's top priority task at the center of your desk. It will help you
focus and begin working immediately the next day.

About the Author

Barbara Myers is author of "200 Ways to Save Time at the Office." FREE "50 Ways to Manage Your Time" tips booklet at http://www.ineedmoretime.com