How To Handle Poor Office Manners - Diplomatically

How To Handle Poor Office Manners - Diplomatically

It only takes one person to disturb the emotional atmosphere and productivity of an office. Others become irritated by the offender’s seemly harmless behaviors and now their productivity suffers too. Here is a scenario and how it may be handled diplomatically:

You have a co-worker who is affecting office morale by their inappropriate behavior. Extended cigarette and bathroom breaks,
taking a flood of personal calls, extra long lunch breaks, taking off for assorted appointments and seen playing Internet games during the work day.

Tell the supervisor or the senior office executive about this problem that others have observed and want resolved. If you are the senior leader, then privately call in this individual and tell them you are aware of this problem and how it’s affecting office morale. Many times these people live in their own world and are totally oblivious to how their actions affect others. Ask if there are reasons or problems that prompts this behavior. Listen and not be judgmental. After listening, tell them of the repercussions of this behavior continuing past today. Have them come up with ways to resolve this problem either by e-mail to you or by a meeting by the end of the week. Thank them for the meeting and the conversation will be confidential. Keep a file with this situation and the results in your office. Review with this individual and others in the office, weekly for the first month to see progress. When you hear or see progress has been made, send this individual an e-mail to thank them for handling this matter so professionally.

About the Author

Joli Andre, president of Polished Professionals a San Diego, CA based company specializing in staff training on American Business Etiquette and International Protocol. She is trained and certified by The Protocol School Of Washington, D.C., and a member of The National Speakers Association and the author of “Business Etiquette Mastery: The Power Of Executive Leadership”. For services: or 858/759-9560