Is Your Personality Killing Your Business

The scene is typical. Two people in different areas
of the country each start a business. They both have
the same qualifications, the same training and
each one selects an optimum location.

Within a year one of them is raking in the money hand
over fist and the other one has filed for bankruptcy.
What happened here? How could two people with
the same qualifications and an even start
wind up in such different circumstances? It can
usually be summed up in one word:


So, what is personality and can it be defined? Personally,
I think there are three traits of character that define a
persons personality.

They are:

#1. How a person percieves himself. This can also be
listed as ego. Are you all wrapped up in yourself to the
point of ignoring others, or do you put the wellfare
of others first?

#2. Your outlook on life in general. Are you always
complaining because nothing is going your way, or do you
see a setback as a challenge and say, "Here is a chance for
me to make improvements!"

#3. How you percieve others. Do you see other people
around you as someone you can use to get what you want,
or do you see them as fellow travelers, who, while
working together, can accomplish more than each individual
working seperately?

The following list, which I call "The 7 Top Daily
Acknowledgements," if practiced daily could change your outlook
on life and also the way others see you.

Top 7 Daily Acknowledgements

#1. Acknowledge your maker. Be thankful that you have
been given another day to pursue your dreams and the health
and energy to do so.

#2. Acknowledge your spouse with a hug, a kiss and a
"I love you." The one whom you have promised to love,
honor and protect. The one who has been supportive
of you in all your endeavers.

#3. Acknowledge your children with a word of encouragement
that they may grow up to become strong individuals.
They are the ones you have brought forth to carry on
after you have completed your race.

#4. Acknowledge your neighbor with a friendly greeting
and a kind word. As neighbors, we are here to watch over
and protect each other that no harm may come to either.

#5. Acknowledge your employees/co-workers with a friendly
greeting and words of support. They are the ones
that keep your business running smoothly.

#6. Acknowledge your suppliers with a thank you for
promptness when paying your bill. Without their prompt
delivery of supplies your employees could not keep your
business running smoothly.

#7. And last, but certainly not least, acknowledge your
customers with a friendly greeting and a big "Thank you."
They are the ones that pay your bills and without them you would not
need the employees or suppliers.

Courtesy and friendliness seem to be the lubricant that
makes the cogs of society turn smoothly.

About the Author

John Watson is editor of The Common Sense - Country Ramblings Newsletter
which you may read and subscribe to online at: or subscribe by email
at: with subscribe in message
body. You may contact John direct at: