Part 2 of 5 - How Pipe Dreams Can Become

Part 2 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities!
© 2004, Jon Kogan, All Rights Reserved.


Now's the time to evaluate your life and your desires.
Go ahead and test yourself - nobody's looking. Try to find out
what your inner desires really are. Once you know, you can
formulate a plan of action, and then achieve your goals.

Right now, write down three things you want. Don't spend time
thinking about them - just write them down. You may be surprised
at what you want. Can you see any relation to the types of
desires most sought for?

What accomplishment are you most proud of? What make you happy
enough to be content, to feel totally relaxed, and to slide back
with a smile on your face.

Without dwelling on failures, mistakes, or past ill feelings,
quickly list the important accomplishments or your life. Think
about the places you went to, the relationships you encountered,
the education you received. Consider your job changes and
positions, and the achievements related to work.

Put a star next to the most important accomplishments of your
life. Is there any correlation with the list of the three things
you want most?


Before you go any further with your life, make a list for your
future. Write it down - don't just think it. What would you like
to accomplish in the next ten years? A new house, a high-paying
position, a home in a new city, a trip around the world?

Break that list down into those things you'd like to accomplish
in the next five years. Then make one further division into the
next six months. What can you do in the next few months to
further you towards your long-term goals?


My most important desires are:

In my lifetime, the most important things I've accomplished:

If I looked back on my lifetime in 20 years, I'd like to have

Within 10 years, I'd like to achieve:

Within 5 years, I'd like to achieve:

In the next six months to a year, these are the things I'm going
to do to work towards by goals:

Regardless of your family commitments or your personal
relationships; regardless of your business enterprises or any
false sense of achievement, what do you really want?

Give yourself credit for your past accomplishments, and give
yourself credit for your future achievements. You can and will
attain all your goals, both long-term and short-term if you
approach them in a step-by-step fashion and if you believe that
they are worthwhile for you.


Although you can be considerate of your environment and all the
people in it, first consider yourself. Your well-being, your
happiness, your success. Make a pact with yourself right now
that you will achieve your goals. And make them realistic to
reach. Then one by one, make your own life the success it


An important step in achieving goals is to be able to relax.
You'll get nowhere is your body and mind are nervous and jumping
from one place or idea to another. In order to focus on your goal
you must center your being.

Relaxation is the balance of the mental, spiritual and physical
aspects of yourself. Set aside time each day for deep relaxation.
Not sleep, but relaxation. The state of deep relaxation is a
state of meditation. There are no thoughts in your mind. There
are no physical ills or discomforts. You breathe in deeply,
allowing the lungs to fill with fresh air, and you exhale all
used and stale air. The blood circulates amply throughout every
part of your body. You drift through space, ever towards your
true destiny.

Exercise or sports is a good way to get into relaxation. The
body needs physical stimulation to pump blood into all its
extremities and to give the heart a good workout. Exercise is a
wonderful way to let the mind relax, as you place your thoughts
on the way your body moves. For many people, sports and exercise
are enjoyable ways to feel alive, youthful, and fulfilled.

Then take time to relax. Lie down on your back with your arms
out, palms up. Your feet should be about two feet about. You
might clench your muscles first, then relax them. Allow your
thoughts to drift, but don't get caught in them. Watch them go
by, as if they belong to somebody else.

If you have a special problem, tuck that in the back of your
mind - don't dwell on it up front. Let yourself and your emotions
go. Breathe out the negative feelings and emotions; breathe in
positive, life-giving air. Float freely. Relax. ASSUME THE BEST.
Expect to achieve; expect to accomplish your desires; expect to
win. Accept less, but push on to attain more. The higher your
goals, the further you'll go.

The moon is no problem, nor are the neighboring planets. Soon
human beings will see close-ups of other star and galaxies. Don't
go for less that your full potential. Shoot for the universe.
You owe yourself nothing less.

And aside from the universe, keep yourself on Earth, in your
office or studio, working closer to those goals you want to

You have a right to be happy. You have the means to be
successful. You can succeed in what you desire.

Always keep in mind the fact that you are in transit, attaining
your goals, moving through life as though you are an actor, and
the setting is a stage.

Keep your thoughts firmly planted on prosperity, good fortune and
lucky breaks. Assume that you will, in fact, nearly have
accomplished your goals. It is with that attitude that successful
people achieve.

Part 2 of 5 - How "Pipe Dreams" Can Become Realities!

Jon Kogan
EDITOR - Home Business Breakthroughs Ezine
Helping People Help Themselves

F-R-E-E Home Business Breakthroughs Email Newsletter

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Would you like to make money online, but don't know where to
start?...You are not alone and here's a solution just for

About the Author

Jon Kogan was born, raised and educated in Ukraine.
Arriving to the USA in 1975 has been able to focus on the area of his expertise, i.e. marketing, sales and management in the corporate world.
In 2002, Jon chose to offer his extensive expertise and marketing knowledge on the Internet with a goal to provide training and education.