Who Wants to Make Solar Panels?

People from all over the world are interested in moving towards a greener lifestyle. This means reducing our carbon footprint, conserving fuels, where possible and being careful about what we eat - choosing foods that are local and not imported. One choice that is available to us is to make solar panels. If you have not thought about using alternative energy sources, now is a really good time to look into it.

Every year the cost of electricity rises. This is because more people are using more electricity to run more appliances and electronics that require a great deal of power. There is no thought, really, to saving energy, even though many appliances are "energy efficient". If you don't think you use that much energy, try this experiment. Turn off everything in your home. Unplug all electronics. Next, go outside and look at your electrical meter.

One by one, turn things back on and have a look at your electrical meter. Maybe it's not spinning too quickly at this point. Try putting on a load of laundry in your washing machine. How is the meter now? Have a look at the meter when you put your clothes into the dryer. It may surprise you to see the meter spinning so quickly it looks like it may fly out of the meter box.

Imagine for a moment if you could make solar panels. Even if you had one or two panels connected to your biggest electricity sucking appliances, such as your refrigerator or your washer or dryer, imagine how much money you could save in a month or a year.

If you make solar panels that cost $200.00, over a year, how much are you saving in electrical costs? A lot of money can add up in a little time, and you may be surprised to see the translation of the savings in your electrical bills.

Everyday people like you and your neighbor are people who should learn to make solar panels. You can start a green trend that can start on your street and radiate outwards from your neighborhood. If you have enough solar panels installed on your roof, you may even generate enough energy to send back to the electrical grid. This means, believe it or not, that the electrical company will pay you for the energy you are supplying.

Visit http://yourgreenenergy.org and contact me to receive your free guide on alternative energy sources now!