Helping Babies through their Teens - Pediatric Dentists in Seattle

Dental professionals who are devoted solely to children and teenagers are what you call pediatric dentists. Seattle pediatric dentists offer a calm and comfortable atmosphere for kids and customize their clinics for these youngsters by using everything small - from seating to dental instruments. Pediatric clinics also have waiting rooms where a room full of other kids stay and are taken care of by trained staff, thus ,helping to make these children's dental experiences a friendly and pleasant one.

A licensed pediatric dentist must undergo several years of additional training, giving them the ability to correctly administer medications to young children and respond to emergencies. Their training also makes them more sensitive to being patient with young children.

Tooth decay, which is very common among children, is not to be taken for granted as it can cause various problems from mere pain to death in the presence of abscesses. Dentist can advise on the use of dental sealants to help protect teeth of these kids who consume a large number of foods and drinks high in sugars and starches. These sealants are intended to coat babies' teeth so cavities and tooth decay may be avoided. Pediatric dentists may also administer fluoride treatments. A Seattle dentist can determine if children are receiving enough fluoride through toothpastes, mouth washes and local water sources to help teeth stay strong and protect against acid damage. Your dentist can also prescribe fluoride supplements for children or teens who are not getting enough of it. Pediatric dentists also routinely educate their young patients about preventive dental care such as how to floss and brush their teeth to keep them healthy.

By six months of age, babies began to develop their first teeth. To develop life-long healthy habits, children should begin seeing pediatric dentists by the age of 12 months. Parents should also begin helping their children take care of their teeth as soon as they appear. A baby's first tooth can be cleaned with a soft washcloth. Once several teeth develop, an age-appropriate tooth brush can be used and a pea sized amount of toothpaste. For young children, advice on nutrition, treatment of bottle tooth decay, repairing of chipped teeth and parental advice on using pacifiers and thumb sucking can prevent problems down the line.

By their preteen years, children have both permanent and baby teeth in their mouth making it even more important that they visit a pediatric dentist. Unhealthy snacking and use of tobacco products in preteens and teenagers can lead to unattractive smiles and other problems that require the support of pediatric dentists. Seattle pediatric dentists have the sensitive and caring approach necessary to help adolescents regain their self esteem; making them more confident with their smile through cosmetic techniques such as teeth whitening, removal of wisdom teeth and braces. The specialized training required for pediatric dentistry also gives these dentists the skills to work with special need patients suffering from mental disabilities, or other medical and physical ailments.

Teeth are supposed to last for a lifetime, but there are so many factors that can affect them. Many factors make the teeth wear out over time such as oral injuries, sugar and starch-laden diets and improper brushing and flossing. Look to pediatric dentists in Seattle to ensure the overall well-being of your children's teeth from birth through their teenage years.