The Top 10 Reasons to Own a Pet

Americans love their pets, but do they ever think about "why?"

1. A pet teaches you responsibility.

2. You can get lots of exercise by walking your pet.

3. If you get lonely, you have a friend to play with.

4. You can save a pet's life by adopting one from a shelter.

5. The pet needs a friend.

6. A pet always greets you at the door even when you've had a bad day.

7. When your Mom makes a terrible dinner, your pet can clean it up.

8. A pet can guard your house.

9. A pet can make a boring car trip much more fun.

10. The pet will love you, no matter what!

About the Author

About the Submitter
This piece was originally submitted by Kelly Redmond, 4th grade (almost), who can be reached at, or visited on the web. Kelly Redmond wants you to know: I am one of the creators of and am starting 4th grade in the fall. I like to sing, play piano and train my three dogs.. The original source is:
