What\'s the right pet for you?

After paying a vist to http://www.petsculture com here is the criteria for making the right pet choice:

1. Youre single, very busy, but want something that will awe visitors without taking up too much of your time.....choose a large, easy care, reptile.

2. 1. Youre single, or not, very busy, love beauty and tranquilty and will find the time to devote proper care for maintenance of same....choose a more exotic reptile or fish.

3. You have lots of time to devote to the care of something truly spectacular.....choose a parrot or macaw.

4. Youre very attracted to the wild, untamed, and independent and desire a pet that reflects those qualities....choose a cat.

5. You love to walk, hike and run, and need a companion that will love you without reservation, choose a dog.

However, if you need help with exactly what kind of dog will make the ideal match for you than pay a visit to http://dogsjustdogs.com

About the author:
Devoted to the care of love of animal Dr. JE Curran devotes much time to sharing that love through http://www.petsculture.com that discusses pets off all shapes and sizes and http://www.dogsjustdogs.com that discusses dogs of all shapes and sizes.