You're the one in charge...

You’re the one in charge…

Terry Dashner…………Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

His name was Samuel Adams. And he was a fiery soul. His daddy knew beer, but Samuel had no taste for it—the business end of it. Samuel held a masters degree in liberal arts from Harvard. He was no dummy, but the brewery business was not his cup of tea (or mug of beer). He failed in business, but he excelled in politics—to each man his call.

He was defiant toward British colonial rule and never passed up an opportunity to express his disdain for British Parliament. Listen to the words of this brave man and founding father as he spoke to a large crowd that had gathered on the steps of the Philadelphia Statehouse on August 1st 1776. The words he delivered came one day before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Declared Adams, “We have explored the temple of royalty and found that the idol we have bowed down to has eyes which see not, ears that hear not our prayers, and a heart like the nether millstone.” He give his closing remarks by saying, “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to whom alone all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and with a propitious eye beholds his subjects assuming that freedom of thought and dignity of self-direction which he bestowed upon them. From the rising to the setting sun, may His kingdom come.”

Wow! That’s bold speech. Keep in mind it was directed against the British monarchy. Did he mean what he said or was he merely bucking for political gain? History tells us that he meant every word. Why? Because to speak this type of rhetoric merely in jest was certain death. Adams, as well as the other founding fathers, spoke knowing full well the consequences—not censor but death. But to them speaking revolutionary rhetoric against England for freedom’s sake was worth the risk.

His name is Natan Sharansky. His book is entitled, The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror (Public Affairs 2004). He is a former Soviet dissident who has devoted his life to the cause of freedom and democracy. Sharansky spent nine years in a Soviet prison during the Cold War and was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his courageous struggle against tyranny behind the Iron Curtain. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Sharansky has been an author, human rights activist, and a politician in Israel, serving in numerous positions including deputy prime minister.

Sharansky is a fiery brand also. Most people who create change are. He doesn’t mince words in his book. He tells it like it is. He declares that human rights and democracy go hand in hand. He says that the world can be divided into either free societies or fear societies. The fear societies always implode, whereas, free societies—though they are far from perfect—always win out over tyranny and terror. Fear societies can not compete with free societies. This is interesting.

What piqued my interest as I read his material was his reference to the power of moral clarity. Without moral clarity, according to Sharansky, free societies can inadvertently aid the very fear societies that threaten them. For example, during the Cold War years when Western powers tried negotiating detente with the Soviet Union, they did nothing more than play into their hands. By playing the detente “game” they could stall long and consolidate their grip on power as they attempted to match or surpass the West militarily.

Leaders like Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger with their notion to better relations with the Soviets by negotiations were ineffective. On the other hand, leaders like Ronald Ragan and Senator Henry Jackson who insisted that the Soviet Union undertake internal human rights reforms as a condition for better relations with the West, actually did the most to undermine the Soviet’s tyrannical system.

Interesting…to carry a big stick and speak with real demands is what’s needed to break down tyranny. To tell a rogue nation to shape up or ship out works. It took a lot of guts for Regan to call the former Soviet Union the “Evil Empire.” But you know what, according to Sharansky, they listened. They complied. They eventually went bankrupt trying to match the military build up of the United States.

Now dear friend I say this to encourage you. When God gives you authority to make a stand, then make it without apology. When your teenagers are threatening to take you hostage, remember—you’re the parent. You’re the one in charge. Tell them your demands, and then stick to you guns. God has given you authority over your domain. If you are a parent, your house is your domain. You have authority over it. Use your authority to get what you want. If you are an employer, then you set the course of your business. If you are a student, then tell yourself what grades you are going to make, and then make them. You are the boss. Don’t delegate. It’s your responsibility to maintain peace of mind by being assertive with your God given authority.

I think a good dose of authority and assertiveness would do Americans good right now. I don’t mean arrogance or rudeness expressed toward your neighbor or loved one for the sake of offensiveness. I’m talking about taking control of your domain because it is your God ordained right. God is not party to confusion (I Corinthians 14:33). He’s not about disorder and chaos for the sake of sparing somebody’s feelings. He’s God of order and righteousness, justice, and order. He’s looking for men and women with guts. Even the Bible declares—“be like men.” Grow beyond childhood, and take dominion over your domain. This is God’s will for you.

I sure hope I haven’t offended you….

Keep the faith. Stay the course. Tell them what you want and live life fully.

Pastor T dash

About the Author

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. Retired police officer and military veteran. Father of three grown children.