Selling Is Not A Dirty Word

Sellinga word that strikes terror in writers and professionals.
We love to write. We love to coach. We love to speak. We
hate to SELL. Maybe that's because we have the used car
salesman or the vacuum sales person in mind. They annoyed us
because they didn't listen, they pushed, and we felt attacked. We
defended our position, and that's what we think others do
when we share our talents.

When you think of selling, think of sharing the love that went
into your book, the unique, important message it delivers. Like
me, think, "Now that I've planted this garden, I want to reap its
harvest. If I don't share the word with others, my garden will die
from lack of attention."

If you are like me, you will want to put both your attention and
intention on your book or service. Yes, use powerful words to
describe your products. Yes, offer your books to others.
Follow my lead and let them know about it through an ezine, pr,
writing and submtting free articles, sending email follow ups, giving
freebies to attract folks to your site, or learning how to sell
books without a Web Site.

To raise your "Selling" awareness, check out the acronym

S Sharing my book; educating and entertaining people with
my unique information

E Expecting positive outcomes; knowing my book's value,
living it, and offering it with my short blurb in the "30-60
Second Tell and Sell"

L Listening to other professionals who have shared their
books and created ongoing lifelong income, raised their credibility
as a coach or other professional, as well as living a grand

L Listening to what my reader's problems and needs are, so
I can serve them

I Involving people by asking them pertinent questions to see
if my book fits their needs.

N Nurturing business relationships through friendship as a
savvy friend who follows up regularly.

G Gain enthusiasm from all the people who already love my
book enough to give me quality, specific testimonials.

Share your good feelings and good words with others. Show
them how you and your book can help them. It's OK to sell
because your book and you are significant and can help

About the Author

Judy Cullins: author, publisher, book coach
eBook: Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online
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