Stop Being a Salesperson

There is absolutely nothing wrong or immoral about being a salesperson. That being said, we have too many salespeople in sales organizations and not enough businesspeople.

Salespeople tend to focus on themselves and the products and services they sell. Businesspeople focus on solving business problems and opening new opportunities, focusing on the outcome of the solutions they employ rather than the technical details of the products and services they offer.

Stop being a salesperson and become a businessperson when you engage with your prospective and existing customers. Place emphasis and communicate with your customers on the benefits they will realize from use of your products or services. Add value by solving business problems and creating new opportunities.

Corporate executives, business owners, investors, and senior management rarely have time for sales people; they always have time for businesspeople. The reason is businesspeople address issues of their primary concern – enabling business. Salespeople generally want to just talk about their products and services.

As a business owner or executive, which meeting would you welcome most: a conversation with a businessperson regarding growth and opportunity in your business or a features and functionality presentation about a product or service?

About the Author

Jim Logan is founder of Accelerate Business Group, LLC, a revenue growth company. Accelerate Business Group partners with their customers to build revenue the only three ways possible - getting more new customers, increasing the value of your average sale, and getting more repeat business. Jim can be reached at