The Golden Retriever and YOUR Business

What does a Golden Retriever have to do with your business,
you ask? For those of you who aren't familiar with them,
Goldens have an outlook on life that is quite incredible.
They never give up. I had a Golden named Ruff who developed
a malignant tumor on his corotid artery (the one in the neck
that sends blood from the brain back down into the heart). I
noticed that he was eating, but losing weight, so I took him
to the vet. No veterinarian would touch him. Too risky, they
said. Chemotherapy doesn't do well with dogs, so the only
choice we had was to love him and play with him and keep him
as healthy and happy as we could for as long as he was with

Approximately a year after we discovered the tumor, this
once beautiful dog weighed about 45 pounds and looked like a
refugee. But you looked in his eyes and you saw happiness
and and a love of life. He still ate and ran and played. The
veterinarian was amazed. He said he had seen dogs not half
as sick as Ruff lay down and give up. And he never gave up
even when it got so bad that we didn't have the heart to put
him through any more.

If his attitude had been something other than what it was,
he would have never made it a year. And that was a great
year full of lots of love and playing and riding in the car
and all the things he enjoyed.

What's my point? What is YOUR attitude to your business? Do
you put your heart and soul into making a success of your
business? Do you get up with a zeal and love for life and
what you do? When you tell others about your business, do
you convey that joy and enthusiasm? If you don't love your
product and your business, you can't possibly convince
anyone else to try it, let alone love it!

We can all learn a great deal from animals. They know how to
live life to the fullest and get the most out of the time
they have. We need to do the same with our lives, our
relationships AND our businesses. You will get out of life
and your business what you put into it. If you aren't
willing to step out there and shout it to the world, it
isn't going to happen.

So when you turn on that computer, or pick up that phone,

About the Author

Pamela Geiss is the owner of the successful LotsaPerks. She
specializes in business opportunity leads, guaranteed
traffic, search engine placement and consulting. Visit her
at and subscribe to her free