An Easier Way To Recover Treasure On The Beach

An Easier Way To Recover Treasure On The Beach

 by: Dean Novosat

All treasure hunters know that the wet sand at the edge of the beach is the best place to find valuable treasure. However, the ocean seems like it always doesn't want to give up this treasure. Inevitably, as soon as we detect a good target, and began to dig the target, the water rises making it difficult, if not impossible, to recover the target. Even with the best scoops available, it is sometimes very difficult and frustrating to try to recover targets at the edge of the surf.

However, there is a simple tool that anyone can make that will make war recovery easier. simply taken old 5 gal. drywall bucket and cut out the bottom. also remove the handle as it is metal and may interfere. String section of rope through the handle holes so you have an easy way to carry the bucket. I prefer to carry the bucket on my belt.

Now when you are working in the wet sand, and you find a target, pinpoint it. Center the bucket over the target and using both hands, wiggle the bucket down into the wet sand. You have now stabilized the sides of the hole you are about to dig. Using your scoop, remove the sand from inside the bucket, and recover your target. The bucket holds the sides of the hole so it doesn't collapse in.

I hope you find this technique useful and that you recover more treasure because of it. As I know it has increased the number of targets that I have been able to recover greatly.