Ten Steps To Empowerment

1.Let go of the past. The past is gone forever, and hanging on to it keeps you from living fully today. Pain, anger, and regret are like quicksand. You can never alter the past.

2.Forgive yourself. We all have things that we have done that we wish we hadn’t. No one is perfect, nor should we try to be. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on.

3.Forgive others. Forgiving those who have injured us is not for their benefit, it is for ours. Holding on to hatred stunts every attempt at growth that we make. Forgive in your heart; it does not mean that you have to forget, or that you have to contact the person and tell them that you have forgiven them. Just find a way to make peace with it within yourself.

4.See yourself as a person who deserves the best in life. When you can see that you deserve the best you will then seek the best. If you feel that you are undeserving of the best that life has to offer you will take every opportunity to make yourself miserable.

5.Learn to live in the moment. Spending your time living for the future robs you of enjoying today. Living in the past is useless; it can never be changed. Resolve to make today be the best possible day.

6.Find like-minded people to be with. If you spend your time with negative people you will become negative yourself.

7.Don’t buy into criticism. If you have family or friends who put you down, ignore them or eliminate them from your life. Realize that they have their own agendas and these agendas might exist just to make them feel better about themselves by putting you down.

8.Always remember than you can change anything in your life at any given minute. All it takes is courage. You are not stuck anywhere unless you decide to be stuck.

9.You will get what you look for. If you are looking for trouble you will always find it. Try looking for the blessings.

10.Go to a mirror. Look yourself straight in the eye and tell yourself that you love you, and that you are the best! Keep at it, even if it seems dumb. Eventually, your subconscious will get the idea and make the necessary changes.

About the Author

Sibyl McLendon, a Navajo woman living in the American Southwest, is a personal empowerment coach for Circle Of Grace http://www.circle-of-grace.com
Sibyl can be contacted at sibyl@www.circle-of-grace.com