Freelance Writing For Environmental Publications

The earth matters. Our planet is in danger. Many of our world's species are under threat of extinction. As people are becoming more aware of the current threats to our environment, more publications are emerging to update and inform readers of the latest environmental news and trends.

There is plenty of opportunity for freelance writers to write for publications that focus on environmental and conservation material. Here are some examples.


This publication is produced for people who care about our forests. It is published quarterly by the conservation group, Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics.


This is a quarterly journal dedicated to in-depth analysis of environmental issues, including ecological, social and economic dimensions. They invite feature articles, shorter reports, notes, interviews, resource guides, visual images related to article themes, cultural commentary and humor.


This is a non-profit magazine published bi-monthly by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Typical topics include fishing, hunting, nature viewing, and outdoor recreation.


This is a monthly magazine aimed at people with a keen interest in wildlife, conservation, and associated environmental issues. Seeks original ideas and in-depth, personal knowledge of the subject matter. Receives about 30 pitches a week, most of which are rejected. Read their guidelines on the web to improve your chances of success.

In addition to publications like those above that focus on the environment and related topics, you will also find that many other publications publish environmental material, including regional magazines and women's publications. Here are a couple of examples:


A bimonthly regional travel publication. They use freelance writers on a wide variety of subjects, including travel stories, environmental sustainability, personality profiles, stories on history, culture, music, and food.


This publication reflects a feminist philosophy that is diverse and relevant to women's daily lives. They seek to empower women; to inspire hope and foster a state of wellness that enriches women's lives. In-depth feature articles cover feminist debates, current social/ political/legal/environmental/culture emerging issues or personal stories with a broader social relevance.

It is time to care for our planet. It is time to start conserving. As a freelance writer you can contribute to this movement and grow your freelance writing business at the same time.